in #christian-trail7 years ago

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Well, study and meditation are not the same. In fact the different is clear.

Let me start by saying that we have reading, study, and meditation.
Reading is primarily assimilation of facts without application. In other words, it is for gathering of information.
You don't apply what you read, most times we read to keep our lips busy.

Reading might be understanding, but not acquiring, but studying is definitely understanding and acquiring knowledge.

Let see what study is.
Oxford Dictionary sees Study as the devotion of time and attention to gaining knowledge of an academic subject, especially by means of books.
Most times, we study to excite the mind, to fill the head.
But meditation is deeper. And in fact, meditation has nothing to do with academic.
Meditation is spiritual: To murmur; to converse with oneself, and hence aloud; speak; talk; babbling; communication; mutter; roar; mourn; a murmuring sound; i. e., a musical notation; to study; to ponder; revolve in the mind; imagine; pray; prayer; reflection; devotion”.
This is what meditation means. Have u ever study a scripture before, and after that, you meditate on it and all of a sudden, you find yourself shouting, murmuring, talking to your self, muttering words, mourning, etc

*Meditation takes many forms, a number of which have roots in ancient Eastern religions.* *“The mind has to be empty to see clearly,”* *said one writer on the subject*. *His words reflect the view that emptying the mind while focusing on certain words or images promotes inner peace, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment*. **The Bible puts a high value on meditation.** *(1 Timothy 4:15, footnote)* *The kind of meditation that it encourages, however, does not entail emptying the mind or repeating a certain word or phrase, sometimes called a mantra*. *Rather, Biblical meditation involves purposeful thinking on wholesome topics, such as God’s qualities, standards, and creations.* *“I meditate on all your activity; I eagerly ponder over the work of your hands,” prayed a faithful man of God.* *(Psalm 143:5)* *He also said: “I remember you while upon my bed; I meditate on you during the watches of the night.”—Psalm 63:6.* courtesy: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201405/meditation/
If you haven't meditate on God's word before you are missing out a great deal Most Christians are just too much in a haste to leave God's presence. How can you enjoy God's blessings?

Let's take a lesson on how to meditate on the word of God.

Firstly, you need to prepare your mind about it, also be in an environment where people won't disturb you. Take your Bible and study a particular verse, close the Bible, and spend time to ponder over the scripture.

When we meditate on the Word of God, we seek to make personal application of the Scriptures to our own lives and circumstances. This results in more than the intake of information; it transforms by leading to the formation of the individual into Christlikeness

As God promises in Isaiah 55:11, the Word “will not return to me empty.”
It is also essential to remember that Satan knows the Scriptures well. He often uses Scripture, out of context, to tempt us. He is a master at distorting what the Word of God says (Genesis 3:1). However, when Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness (Luke, chapter 4), Jesus correctly used the Scriptures to defeat him. The Word of God is our sure defense against Satan’s attacks.
imageimage from Pixabay

Listen friends, the devil reads God's word, but the devil does not meditate on God word, if not, he may end up as a Christian. If you want to increase the power of the holy spirit in you, meditate on God's word.
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I love this. Keep it up bob

Thanks for this

Medidate on the word day and nyt

Yes bro. We need to meditate on God's word

great post, as usual!