Introducing The Believers Digest

Introducing The Believers Digest

The Believers Digest is an online publication launched through the inspiration of the Holy ghost to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ accross the ends of the earth.

As confirmed by the scripture (Psalms 68:11 KJV)

"The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it."

Believers Digest aimed at providing believers with life transforming words, teachings and exhortation from God's anointed servants for the perfecting of the saints and edifying of the body of Christ (The Church).

With an objective to post original, high-quality and undiluted content, our goal is to always look from the believers point of view.

We believe in Jesus, we believe in his word, we believe in the holy spirit.

The gate of hell shall not prevail
The church of Jesus Christ is marching on

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