" You are worthy ,O Lord, To receive glory and honour and power ;For you created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created. "(Rev 4:11).
The creation does not reflect only the power of God , but also His infinite love, Nobody prayed, or mounted pressure on God to bring the heaven and the earth into being. His love in creation is what is best understood in salvation that was presented, when we were very bad(Roman5:6-8) He died for us.
His purpose of creation was based on love and not for self gratification. He created out of Love, His other name is love (1John 4:8), so Love created Heaven and Earth.Love is the only virtue that could have made him create man. God's creations were done in love to reveal His glory, beauty and majesty.
1.Nothing exists without a creator, The Heaven and the earth were created by the only True God. There is no God besidesthe eternal and everlasting God.
- Creation and developments going on reveal not just the power of God;it also shows the infinite and indescribable love of God.
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