The conquest of fear and worry

in #christ7 years ago (edited)


Humanity is plagued by two insidous enemies.

Millions have been tortured by these demons and many driven to madness by them
They have reduce God's masterpiece of creation to failure and ruin. They have caused sickness, failures poverty and crimes. These cause of mankind are fear and worry
Fear and worry are responsible to a great extent for the daily consumptions of twenty tons of asprins
The mind and hearts that should be strong and powetful are rendered weak and impotents by these two demons
Mans mind was so constructed that it could accept or reject anything as he chose. We control our thinking we can either think good thoughts or we can think bad thoughts. The choice is ours
Here are the following ways to eliminate fear and worry habbit

1-Cultivate friendships with hopeful people. Surround yourself with friends who think positive,faith producing thoughts
2- Everyday of your life conceive of yourself as living in partnership and companionship with jesus christ. If he actually walked by your side,would you be worried or afraid? Saybto yourslef that he is with you
3-say to yourself, worry is just a very bad mental habit. And i can change any habit with Gods help
4 Never participate in worry conversation
5- you have to believe that fear is man made and does not exist.
6- Become born again. Believe in jesus christ and read the bible
7 -sleep and rest well and excerise properly
8- if you know you cant change a thing, then dont think about or worry, just move on and learn from the mistakes
9- off your tv and mind what you watch and hear. Always listen to or watch positive programmes
10- Try out replecement formula. Replace nagative words and thoughts with positive thoughts
Eliminate fear of anykinds with couragous words and songs or even statement immediatly you feel fear or you are worried
So look for any positive quotes or words that will work for you at any given time
I hope these suggestions are helpful.
