China will sink into Afghanistan? "Bad" Chinese aestheticists clamor: Because China is more "evil"

in #china3 years ago

Remember that Chinese-American scholar Zhang Jiadun who played up the "China collapse theory" everywhere? Since he published the book "China is about to collapse" in 2001, he has been on the path of "badging China".

Twenty years later, he is still "tiringly" peddling what he calls "China's collapse." Basically every year, he showed his face. At the end of last year, Zhang Jiadun publicly declared that China's implementation of the international mutual recognition mechanism for health codes was "making biological and chemical weapons." Now, he has begun to "make waves" again.


At present, just as the United States is "fleeing in a hurry" from Afghanistan and the Taliban is sending a friendly signal to China, Zhang Jiadun is busy publishing an article in the US media in the "Capitol Hill" on July 8 with the title "China will become the next empire to enter the "grave" of Afghanistan" is still expounded using his extremely good "prediction" technique. He said:

China is playing a game of chess in Afghanistan, trying to rely on Afghanistan to obtain natural resources, expand its influence, and even use Afghanistan as a strategic channel to pass through Iran or Pakistan and enter the Arabian Sea.

Later, he began to "predict": Once China intervenes in Afghanistan, it will be very difficult to withdraw. Even if it succeeds, it will pay a huge price. As long as it takes a long time, China will fail.

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Wait, this Zhang Jiadun scholar, aren't you talking about America today? Why did you force it on China? It has to be said that Zhang Jiadun’s "prediction" is really a perfect summary of the US military operations in Afghanistan for 20 years: a complete failure.

Regarding the issue of the failure of the US operation in Afghanistan, Zhang Jiadun said quite pretentiously: "I think China has a better chance than the United States to achieve its goals in Afghanistan, because the Chinese are more'evil'." In addition, he also "makes up" for the failure of the United States. He said that the United States is right to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan because "the biggest threat to the United States is not the militants in Afghanistan, but China."

Zhang Jiadun's remarks will only become the laughing stock of the whole world. To talk about evil, it is estimated that no country in the world has more say than the United States; when it comes to threats, no country or region is more threatening than the United States.


Zhang Jiadun made a passionate personal interpretation of China’s intervention in Afghanistan. He believes that China is “infiltrating” into Afghanistan through the “Belt and Road” agreement, providing infrastructure or loans to Afghanistan and other impoverished areas. , In exchange for control of local resources in order to expand their influence.

Zhang Jiadun’s remarks are precisely in response to that sentence: Treat the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain.

Does China's foreign aid have other plans? This question can only be argued in the opposite direction. The so-called "aid" of the United States to the outside world has a different purpose.

In order to strengthen his point of view, Zhang Jiadun also posted a post on Twitter: It is time to send China to the "grave of the empire."

Once this post was published, it quickly attracted a collective "siege" from netizens:

"Listen! Zhang Jiadun is starting to predict again!", "How can a person who has made mistakes in something for 20 consecutive years be considered an expert on the same topic?"; "Don't mess with the word'prediction' anymore. Up".

Some netizens have started the "advanced black" mode: thanks to Mr. Zhang for his “covering” of China's efforts; Mr. Zhang has been working “hard”.

Now 70-year-old Zhang Jiadun has spent as long as 20 years declining China. However, the facts have proved that in 20 years, China has not only not collapsed, but has flourished, and its vitality has become stronger and stronger than that of Western countries in the United States. Feel the threat, feel the fear! The words of Zhang Jiadun and his like will eventually become an international laughingstock, and we will treat him as a post-dinner talk. The facts will repeatedly slap Zhang Jiadun!

Disclaimer: This article comes from the Tencent News client self-media, and does not represent my views and positions.