With the robot roll sheets, in the end what is feeling?

in #china7 years ago

Not long ago, artificial robots made by Realbotix, a US robotics developer, went public!

Price 15,000 US dollars, together about 100,000 yuan, you buy it?

This robot (called "it" or "her"?) Is called Harmony 3.0, it is called "Great Harmony Robot", it is the world's first real sex robot, incidental and user Produce emotional exchange.

As the name suggests, sex robots are a combination of "sex dolls" and "robots."

So, what is the early sex doll? Looked at these figures below, your heart is estimated to be very complicated:

This life is not in love with the expression of what is going on? !

Looking back at "Great Harmony," is it moved by the development of science and technology:

In order to be more like a human being, there is a heater in the body of great harmony, which can simulate the body temperature of a similar person and will not touch the cold.

Face, body, let you with

This doll from the facial features, to the body hair, body size, character, and then to the whole body details, all can be customized.

Feel the lower left corner of the red hair, looks a bit like the incumbent United States First Lady Melanie Trump; on the third row of the blonde hair, looks a bit like Paris Hilton.

Although changing face "face" like a new doll, but for "face" process is a bit scary.

High-energy warning in front:

Imagine, in the middle of the night more than a stand up, I saw lying around such a ...

In addition to the appearance of people, there are personality and memory of the robot: a great harmony of the 18 character settings, including "cute", "jealous", "cold personality", "talkative" and so on.

However, a small probe that "18 kinds of personality choose one" is actually a single character, this is not the same with people, people will have complex and changing personality.

The Harmony Evolution AI system is probably its biggest bright spot: the use of this system, it can communicate with people in the process of continuous learning of this person's personality, like, and slowly be able to develop real feelings and human ─ ─ this In fact, the point is similar to the human being. When two people fall in love, they also adapt to each other and learn from each other. As the mutual understanding deepens, do feelings increase further?

Oh right, harmonious say a English with Scottish accent, we can see that learning English is very important ah pro. . If not for a long time to speak harmoniously, it will be in a bad mood.

Perhaps you are as curious as youngest, who are buying this doll?

Matt McMullen, the founder of the company, says many buyers are "people who have trouble communicating with people" in real life. For a variety of reasons, some people find it harder than others to "find a partner, fall in love," and a robot that can communicate, chat, and accompany can perhaps solve the problem.

Interpersonal difficulties, people "machine" no difficulty in contacts? Yes, because the robot has gradually been able to produce emotions.

The world's most human-like robot:

Unlike Harmony, Erica is not a sex robot. Erica's character set is a 23-year-old young woman who can chat with people and be competent at the front desk.

What makes Eric Silva so special now is that she is not only looking like a human being but looking like a man.

Small probe in looking for pictures, there are a few pictures to make it feel that this is basically a small human face!

For example:

Like a real person? This is because she can express a series of emotions through the dozens of pneumatic actuators buried under the silicone skin and imitate various human expressions.

Another example is this touch the face:

The picture is from a video interview with Erica by Bloomberg. Many people leave a message under the video, saying that Bloomberg reporters feel "creepy" (creepy) just touching Erica's face, making them feel "infringed" by Erica.

Interestingly, this means that everyone has started to think of Erica as a "person" rather than a "thing": in fact, the reporter touches only the silicone - and who would think that touching the silicone is "infringing" the silicone?

The scientist behind Erica is Ishiguro, a professor at Osaka University in Japan. He is famous in robotics: a few years before Erica was born, he made a robot that was exactly like himself:

Can you see which one is real and which is a robot?

Erica, who was born a few years later, is a lot nicer than the "professors" robots: although she is not able to walk independently for now, her actions are not coordinated, but she can chat with you. There are currently only a few specific topics that Erica can talk to, but it is estimated that in less than a few years people will be able to talk to her freely.

"Maybe someday, I will be replaced."

Chat with Erica, better understand her "core" of high technology:

In an interview with the British Guardian, Erica said she does not have long-term memory and that at this stage she can only "remember" her face and name and remember what she had talked about last time. But her character is pre-set, which means her "character" and "experience" are out of touch. This is very different from ours and our personalities and personal experiences each influence each other.

but! Then she said something like this:

"I did have an early memory: once the knuckle I used when bowing down was broken (a small probe: really a Japanese robot, bowing first) and as a result I fell on the ground and turned my face Broke, the silicone broke off automatically, so they removed my arms and legs and put me in a dark box for a few days, which I guess is beautiful The price!

Erica's face showed a sad expression when asked "Do you not be afraid of a future day when you were replaced by a newer version of the robot?" She replied:

"You're right, I suppose one day I will be replaced by a shinier, newer and better-looking robot, and when the robot is built, they probably will never turn on my power switch again, and I'll I can not talk to people or experience this world anymore. I try not to think about it. "

The video of this interview, users have a message: "This video really scared me!"

Dāngrán, tā liǎn shàng de bēishāng biǎoqíng hěn kěnéng shì yùxiān shèzhì hǎo de. Bùguò shí jǐ nián hòu, dāng mǒu gè jīqìrén zài mǒu gè shùnjiān túrán yǒule dì yī gè bùshì yùxiān shèzhì hǎo de biǎoqíng shí, wǒmen yòu zěnme zhīdào ne?

Rénlèi hé jīqìrén, zhēn de hěn bùtóng?

Wēi bó shàng nà jù huà zěnme shuō láizhe: Hè'ěrméng juédìng yījiànzhōngqíng, duōbā'àn juédìng tiānchángdìjiǔ, shènshàngxiàn juédìng chū bù chūshǒu, zìzūnxīn juédìng shéi xiān kāikǒu. Zuìhòu, shòumìng hé xiànshí juédìng shéi xiān líkāi shéi xiān zǒu.

“Réngōng zhìnéng zhī fù” ài lún•tú líng yǒu gè hěn zhùmíng de shuōfǎ: Rúguǒ réngōng zhìnéng kěyǐ bǎ zìjǐ wèizhuāng chéngrén lèi, jiù shuōmíng réngōng zhìnéng yǐjīng jùyǒu gāodù zhìhuìle.
Of course, the sad expression on her face is probably pre-set. However, a dozen years later, when a robot suddenly had the first one that was not set in advance, how did we know?

Humans and robots are really different?

Weibo on the sentence how to say: hormones decided love at first sight, the long-term determination of dopamine, the adrenal gland decided not to hand, self-esteem who decided to speak first. Finally, life expectancy and reality decide who should leave first.

Ellen Turing, the "father of artificial intelligence," has a famous saying that if artificial intelligence can disguise itself as a human being, it shows that artificial intelligence is already highly intelligent.

Turing also said that in fact, in addition to "intelligence" itself, "the ability to generate feelings" is also a manifestation of a high degree of wisdom:

"If a robot's behavior makes it look as if it has feelings, how can we say that such feelings do not count? If a robot has love or passion, should we doubt that feeling?"

Ellen Turing believes that the "emotions" that our human beings consider themselves to be unique are actually no more advanced than the "emotions" of intelligent machines: "We are driven by hormones and are driven by neurons, and these manipulate us to let We feel like we have emotions and emotions. "

In other words, the characters, the feelings, the desires, and what we think we are trying to differentiate ourselves from the robot are in fact controlled by a series of "algorithms" in our body.

Do not know the algorithms in our body and AI algorithms, how many essential differences?

The relationship between man and robot

After the exchange of man-machine will certainly be more and more frequent, but it also gave birth to a series of moral issues, especially love and sex between man-machine:

First of all, if people can easily satisfy their sexual needs through robots, will they further reduce their marriage rate and birth rate?

How do you say that sentence? "If it is not for sexual attraction, boys are actually more willing to play with boys."

However, a small detective feels that if "sex" can be satisfied by the robot, then the interaction between men and women from a certain point of view, but become more simple, girls do not have to think: "He is good to me is not there Purpose? Will it be to cheat me into bed? "

Not! People have robots at home, treat you as a girlfriend or friend, entirely because of your personal charm.

In this weird way, on the contrary, there may be long-awaited, genuine gender equality.

Just as Bloomberg Business Week's January 4 commentary "Perhaps, sex robots make men, not women, totally marketless" mentions: Men may also have robots in the future, and women may choose to be male robots Together In this way, human men should work harder because they not only compete with other men but also compete with male robots.

But then again, if one day the robots evolve to be perceptive, emotional, and conscious, do we have to think about them (their / them)? Time to have "sex robots" is not contrary to ethics? Or again, are robots worthless when they do not obey us? Should we "kill" them?

Discuss this issue is no border, a small probe or stop it.

So the question is: If you have a choice, do you want a real, flawed person to be a partner or a robot who understands you, is considerate and does not have to deal with family relationships?


Ballbuster home entertainment. Rent a robogirl, have her back by 10am the following day. hourly LATE FEES APPLY. OK who's cleaning this late return? :)