China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-05-11

in #china5 years ago

First posted on Hive.

English news:

Coronavirus: Wuhan in first virus cluster since end of lockdown

"Wuhan reported five new cases on Monday, after confirming its first case since 3 April on Sunday."

--- As usual, it needs to be said that China does not count asymptomatic cases. So, these are only the newest ones showing symptoms.

"11 domestically transmitted cases had been recorded in Shulan on Saturday.
A day later, the city declared martial law and went into lockdown"

--- Martial law. Hmm, they are really afraid of this virus, it seems.

"But it's unclear how the woman herself might have become infected. Reports say she had no recent travel history outside the province, and no known contact with anyone that's known to be exposed to the virus."

--- How is that possible, if everyone is supposed to run around with a tracking app?

China hits back at so-called coronavirus 'lies' by US politicians as war of words escalates

"An 11,000-word article posted on the Chinese Foreign Ministry's website on Saturday gave a point-by-point rebuttal of the 24 "preposterous allegations and lies""

--- 11000 words. They still haven't really got the hang of proper propaganda.

""Labeling Dr. Li Wenliang as an 'anti-establishment hero' or 'awakener' is very disrespectful to Dr. Li and his family. It is purely political manipulation with no sense of decency,""

--- Well, the same could be said of labeling him a commie martyr.

China's auto market just snapped a 21-month slump. But car sales are still dire

"Commercial vehicles, including heavy trucks, helped pull that figure into positive territory."

--- So, it's probably mostly state-owned infrastructure companies buying.

"Electric cars are still struggling to sell, though. Only 72,000 new energy vehicles were sold in April, a 27% drop from a year earlier"

--- Impossible! So many media reports told us that China is leading the world in that regard.

The coronavirus has helped us finally see China for what it is

"The novel coronavirus has helped us and our international partners to finally see the communist nation's malign instincts."

--- Oh well, it seems there are still quite a number of naive idiots out there who think appeasement is a good idea.

YouTube Takes Action Against Chinese Blogger’s Post On Coronavirus Origins

"that loophole is there is no incinerator at or near the lab to burn the bodies of the animals that have been used in experiments. [...] they will then be transported outside of the lab, to be centrally incinerated by a contractor."

--- Wouldn't be too surprised if such a contractor then thinks he can make an extra buck if he sells the animals as meat.

China tries to calm ‘nationalist fever’ as calls for invasion of Taiwan grow

"Beijing realises now is not a good time to take Taiwan back by force, but [President] Xi [Jinping] will come out up with the ultimate solution to solve the Taiwan issue."

--- The ultimate solution, hmm. Sounds like final solution, with which another "great people's leader" came up.

Carrie Lam blames Hong Kong education system for fuelling protests

"She reportedly said students needed protection from being “poisoned” and fed “false and biased information”"

--- Yes, it's the education & these horribly progressive ... er ... rebellious teachers. It's not our policy. & it's surely not our police state.

"police appearing to shoot pepper balls inside a mall where people were shopping and dining with families, pinning a child to the ground, and detaining two student journalists aged 12 and 16."

--- People were singing! Singing! In malls! Obviously, these poor cops had to defend themselves against such aggressive behaviour.
cf.: Hong Kong police accused of protecting attackers at pro-democracy message board

"In Mong Kok a large group of reporters were kettled by police, told to kneel and stop filming"

--- Information is a highly dangerous tools. That simply cannot be left to free press, but must be strictly controlled.

--- Other news:

Macau bans annual Tiananmen Massacre photo exhibition

Scott Morrison 'disappointed' if China tariff plan is linked to coronavirus investigation

A Chinese Rocket Just Fell Back To Earth Totally Out Of Control

Chinese and Indian soldiers engage in 'aggressive' cross-border skirmish

China smog returns after pandemic cleared the air

Video News:

--- China Uncensored interviews former member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, Alan Leong:

--- Vice News: "China Thinks Hong Kong Protesters Are “Kidnapping the Economy”"

--- WION: "Gravitas: China provokes border skirmish in Sikkim"

--- Sky News (AUS): "Communist China's true objective is to 'buy us, not to beat us'"

Not in the news (yet):

Hong Kong cops seem to have got a new Pervitin delivery

--- Which makes them really dislike shoppers & fear little student journalists. They also see eating in a restaurant as a highly dangerous activity. & outside of the malls they can finally live out their animal instincts, like dogs herding sheep. Some seem to take more than Pervitin.

Meanwhile, in China some cops have a really hard time

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Polizei jagt Demonstranten nach Protestaktion

"Die Polizei habe mindestens elf Menschen festgesetzt, darunter ein zwölfjähriges Mädchen"

--- Mehrere Kiddies dieses Alters. Scheint ein neuer Sport der HK-Polypen zu sein.

"Zudem verteilten die Sicherheitskräfte Strafzettel in Höhe von umgerechnet mehr als 200 Euro wegen angeblicher Verstöße gegen die Corona-Abstandsregeln."

--- Auch eine neue Lieblingsbeschäftigung dieser Schwachköpfe.

Chinesische Schiffe nähern sich erneut von Japan beanspruchten Inseln

"Es sei der dritte Tag in Folge, dass chinesische Schiffe in die japanischen Hoheitsgewässer eingedrungen seien."

--- Die chinesische Marine scheint deutlich aktiver zu werden, nicht nur im Südchinesischen Meer, sondern jetzt auch Richtung Japan.

Der Husten des Olympiasiegers

"Die Medien hätten mal wieder alles aufgeblasen, sagte er. Er habe nicht behauptet, dass er an Covid-19 gelitten habe."

--- Seltsam, daß er sich noch immer nicht hat testen lassen.

So schneiden Millionen Chinesen gut ab

"Streng genommen, hat noch nicht einmal der Import aus Taiwan einen regelkonformen Griff."

--- Regelkonform? Wer macht die Regeln?

"Aber Vorsicht! Das Zerhacken von Knochen ist tabu, diese Tätigkeit bleibt nach wie vor dem Küchenbeil überlassen."

--- Dann kann es nicht wirklich chinesisch sein. Da werden andauernd Knochen durchgehackt.

"Die 100 Euro sind für das hochwertige Chai Dao von Wüsthof gut angelegt."

--- Die Snobs von der FAZ mal wieder. In China kriegt man ein gutes Küchenbeil für 10 Euro (oder sogar weniger).


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