China news roundup / Nachrichten 2019-07-11

in #china6 years ago

English news:

Mulan: Disney aims to win over China with second take on the legend

"Mulan is seen living in a tulou hut, a traditional style of roundhouse. But those are from Fujian, more than 1,000km from [...] where Mulan was said to have originally hailed from"

--- I noticed. That's why I wondered (yesterday?) whether she was supposed to be from a minority. Obviously not, just a stupid mistake by the film makers.

More than 20 ambassadors condemn China's treatment of Uighurs in Xinjiang

"the move may have been the only available option to spotlight Xinjiang, with China likely having enough support to vote down a formal resolution"

--- Welcome to the future! Where China dominates institutions which should be independent & be able to actually criticize the PRC. Money rules.

China's Largesse in Tonga Threatens Future of Pacific Nation

""It's not entirely clear what China wants in the South Pacific.""

--- Today China, tomorrow the whole world.
Just a sign of what is to come, once China fully develops.

""They brought the money, they brought the workers, they brought the building materials. Maybe a few Tongans pulled wheelbarrows.""

--- Same story pretty much everywhere where Chinese investments flow. The only locals making a profit are the politician taking hongbaos from China.

The untold story of Hong Kong's protests is how one simple slogan connects us

"We know that we will only succeed if we can survive as a collective"

--- Well, I'm not a fan of collectives, but considering China's power, that's perhaps their only chance for at least tiny changes.

Why China is Hiding the Horrors of Its Past

"If the people have fully internalized the idea that the sole purpose of historical study is to serve the interests of the state, people lose the desire to understand historical truth altogether."

--- Which is exactly what the CCP wants. People should just concentrate on earning money & buying stuff.

Video News:

--- NBC News features: "Made In China: A Look At China's Rapidly Growing Economy"

--- The guy they interview is a total horror show, finds something positive in every crap the PRC regime does. & the reporter not once asks a critical question.

--- Bloomberg Politics reports: "U.S.-China Positions Have Hardened, Says National Committee on U.S-China Relations"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

China verhaftet Ausländer wegen Drogenkonsums

"Es handle sich um sieben Dozenten und neun Sprachschüler"

--- 7 Dozenten auf einen Schlag? Da hat sich was geändert seit meiner Zeit (oder sie waren von einer privaten Sprachschule). Die Dozenten, die ich so kannte, gingen höchstens mal einen saufen.

Smog senkt Ausbeute chinesischer Solarzellen

"Forschern zufolge fingen menschgemachte [sic!] Schwebeteilchen [...] zwischen 1960 und 2015 ein gutes Zehntel des Sonnenlichts über der Volksrepublik ab,"

--- 10%? Da sieht man mal wieder wie umweltfreundlich China ist. Damit haben die Chinesen Klimaerwärmung vermutlich deutlich verlangsamt.

Im Osten viel Neues

"Denn wenn man schon überwacht wird, dann doch bitte maximal bequem"

--- Nur daß dadurch auch die Überwachung massiv verbessert & ausgeweitet wird. Bis es zu spät ist.