As if Russia Weren't Enough, Bolton Apparently Wants to Take on China, Too
View this post on Hive: As if Russia Weren't Enough, Bolton Apparently Wants to Take on China, Too
View this post on Hive: As if Russia Weren't Enough, Bolton Apparently Wants to Take on China, Too
U.S. policy is driving the only other two superpowers together into a close economic, military and political alliance. How stupid!
The American Empire is struggling to come to terms with China's reemergence as a power to be reckoned with. All empires in decline lash out with military and economic measures against their real and perceived enemies.
The achilles heel of the U.S. empire is its onward rush towards bankruptcy. This is illustrated very graphically by the latest report from the Congressional Budget Office.
This together with China developing its own trade outside the dollar system will spell the end for the American empire's untrammeled rule over the planet.
It cannot come a moment too soon for all our sakes.
Lol, Bolton is all fucked up. He's like a caricature of a caricature of a cold war caricature.