Why You Should Live in a Very Flawed Country?
Chile is dominated by about twenty families. Some have connections to the Rothschilds in Europe and others to the Rockefellers. Most have no apparent affiliation.
Still, there is no mystery about Chile’s “feudalism” or corporatism. There is no false belief that there is a land of equal opportunity or that there is no classism or that there is less corruption among politicians and bureaucrats than in other places.

Moreover, the lower classes are “cared for” by their rulers such that all live fairly well, with adequate food, shelter, shoes, 90%+ literacy; plus, upward mobility is allowed and sometimes encouraged. Food supply is of much higher quality, as is the energy supply. And pristine natural beauty is abundant and encouraged.
Chile's situation is similar to other vassal states like Switzerland and so many European enclaves like Luxembourg, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco—not to mention Hong Kong and Singapore. Generally speaking, the elite like to do business in places they dominate and crush others “below them” but choose to live in countries where there are large nicer sections and a large middle class. They all appear as wealthy countries, which are marvelous to visit and see their opulence, fine shopping, wonderful landscapes and so forth.

The level of involvement that Chile and many other countries (including the smaller ones mentioned earlier) is a degree of magnitude less, if it exists at all, than what is going on in the USA. You must certainly know this fact.
So why do folks keep on making lame excuses or quips to justify stupid, self-destructive behavior? Do some really believe that they are “freer” than other people, especially those that live in places like Chile? Just think about taxes, regulation, political correctness and danger faced compared to what beleaguers other places!

Living in Viña del Mar, overlooking the sea, pine groves and upper class structures, I never awake in the morning worried that I might be mugged, murdered, or that the state will take 45% of what I earn by income, sales, property, capital gains, inflation or traffic taxes - or that the state will poison me, draft me (or my kids), shoot me by “accident” or destroy my family (family court, DSS).
When I lived in the USA I did have such worries. If you do not, then you are simply living in denial. I have not heard of any improvements since I left there in 2008. Am I mistaken?
"Oh," you say, "but I live in Europe, Canada or Australia." Are they really any better than the USA with respect to the evil inflicted on its residents by the state?
As bad as the current Chilean President Bachelet is, her approval rating is down to 15% and her left-wing coalition is on the ropes. We look forward to a swing to the Right in a year. On the other hand, the US looks forward to statist Trump most likely, otherwise sinister Hillary--elitist, power-brokering scoundrels that are hardly worse than the assorted character lineup in Europe or Australia. How could anyone kid themselves that they are pleased with politics in their country or do not think it matters much? It does.
In the final analysis, the question of migration never depends on whether the place you are considering going to is flawless, but rather: "Is it better, or less-flawed, than the place where you currently reside?" Those that reason otherwise are simply looking for excuses not to have to make hard personal choices, perhaps based on emotional and illogical decisions. They prefer to live in denial or an unwarranted optimism about the future of the United States, Europe, Canada, Australia and even South Africa.
Can you honestly say that I am mistaken? If not, why live where you do, or at least why not have "Plan B" residence somewhere else, like Chile?
If Chile interests you, a copy of my new book Life in Chile: A Former American’s Guide for Newcomers will help provide the insights you need to make an informed decision. At least educating yourself about the Chile option will be a step in the right direction.
Until next time,
John Cobin
Escape America Now