Sex at 16? How come?

in #children7 years ago

Dear Editor,

Why is the age of consent 16? Can anyone with logical reasoning explain the logic behind giving children permission to be engaged in the life-changing experience called sexual intercourse at the tender age of 16?

Was it a Parliament-debated determination? Was it talked about, opposed, and amended over and over like the zones of special operation legislation? Were the decision makers holders of master's degrees and doctorates in biology and psychology?

It seems as though coming up with the consent age was a raffle, because at age 16 neither mind nor body is ready for sex. Now, while sex is a three letter word and can be over in a minute, it can create or take your life. Hence it should be a mature adult decision.

We confuse our children, by permitting them to engage in an adult activity and still be a child. Why was there a disparity between the age of consent and when one becomes an adult in the first place?

Raising the age of consent cannot stop children from having sex, but wearing a seatbelt will not stop you from dying; however, it is an offence to not wear it. It is an offence for a 16-year-old child to have sex with a 15-year-old child, but the law permits for a 60-year-old adult to have sex with a 16-year-old child — how come?

A proprietor should not sell alcohol or cigarette to minors; parental consent is needed for children to get a tax registration number or a visa. Minors are not given driver's licences, doctors need adults' consent/permission to operate on children, children cannot enrol themselves into school, nor can they get married without parent/guardian giving consent, parental consent is even needed to even watch television and a host of other prohibitions. Now with that said, how wise is it that the State should endow a child with the responsibility of making such an important life-changing decision to become parents.

This forces children into adulthood and permits adult perverts to feast on the immature ignorance of children with permission and endorsement by the State. Let us correct it.

Gatekeepers, children must be allowed to be children before they are adults, hence an Act specially provides for their needs.

Hezekan Bolton

[email protected]