SLC S23W5/ Puppet Theater

in #children-s23w54 days ago (edited)

Hello friends I hope everyone is great I am good I am feeling good while taking part in another challenge that's very interesting SLC S23W5/ Puppet Theater my doll truly loved it.


With a child between 4 and 12 years old, create a puppet theater using materials of your choice. Consider the child's age to determine whether or not they can cut. The most important thing is their safety; if necessary, you can do the cutting while they participate in the decoration.

Well first if all I would indicate the material I have used.

  • One cardboard box
  • Scissor
  • Glue
  • Red cloth
  • Cotton
  • Black pencil and green colour
  • Sticks

Step 1 let's make therate screen

I take cardboard and cut it extra edges and made it smooth from all sides my doll did participate in it, then we have to make base. Then we make measurements to cut for front screen. I do help my little ones as the scissor may harmful.

For base I have used tablets and kept the cardboard on it.


Step 2

I have to make folded flaps but my doll said mama just make from curtains I didn't comfortable in it I take red cloth cut it and makes the edges of the front screen.


My doll liked plantation we made it theme based and showed the with cotton as earth and made it little black with black marker. She wanted to say our earth is dying during to global warming and we needed plants for it.


After this we made tree with Extra cardboard and she filled colour which is showing in the video then with the help of glue and stick we fixed it in the front side of screen.

Step 3 curtain for the front screen

With the help of white paper we made curtain and fixed it with glue in the front screen which may be put to side when puppet has to performed.

Step 4

I take red cloth and placed it in the top side of the roof so that it may not look bad on front side of the screen we cut it in shape and fixed it with glue and put soil patches while making it little black ones.

Step 5 I take tablets and covered it with red sheet and place our puppet theater on it now comes the role of little ones to perform.


Firstly she wore a glove and performance from the backside of the theatre screen then she take the soil which is burn in hand and moved liked puppet she really enjoyed it.


It's the final look of puppet theater with me and my doll.

Video evidence

What was the experience like when creating this play?

The experience was pretty good andy doll enjoyed it throughout the process either it was cardboard cutting or colouring.

Moreover she do fun in all steps and it can be seen in the pictures the interesting part was cutting and colouring.

What do you think was the most difficult step to take?

I guess it was not much difficult but cutting was but difficult because my doll wanted to cut it by own but I was worried because she is just 4 years old so I take her hand and then completely the process of the cutting but it was done smoothly.

Were you inspired by a specific theme or did you just let your imagination run wild when decorating the puppet theater?

Yeah it was based on theme, because we have celebrated plantation day in this week and I have seen my doll enjoyed it well.

Today I worked on this theme and told we are destroying our earth and making it worse to live that's why we made earth with cotton and coloured it little black to show that we have destroyed our earth by deforestation.

That's why we planted tree as it's the only one solution to save earth.

What was the child's favorite part during this activity?

The cutting of cardboard, colour the tree and also taking the role of puppet I guess she enjoyed all steps and her happiness told she has enjoyed this new activity.

It's all about my today's post.

I would like to invite my friends @m-fdo, @jannat12 and @iqrarana786 to take part in the challenge.


Hola amiga
Excelente participación
A los niños les encanta realizar este tipos de actividades. Y el tiempo que pasamos juntos a ellos es de calidad
Te deseo éxito

Your work has been amazing.I wish you all the best and appreciate your great efforts.You have undertaken the task of creating a very professional theater.Thank you very much and I wish you all the best for the future and success.

Hola saludos espectacular tu teatro de títeres y ver a tu niña divertirse es mágico

Saludos y éxitos