Childhood Dreams and Ambitions - The Evolution

in #childhood7 years ago


Childhood Dreams & Ambitions - The Evolution

Do you still remember your dreams as a child?
No, this time I don't mean the dreams that you get when you're asleep. I mean Dreams and Ambitions.

What you wanted to be when you grew up?
What was your deepest desire that you could or could not tell anyone in fear that you would be teased, criticized or even crushed when told you will never achieve it?
What was it that you loved to do whenever you had the chance?

You don't need to tell me. For everyone has their secrets and their Dreams. Some may share the same dreams while others will be different.

In this post I would like to share, my experience as well as my view on what Childhood Dreams and Ambitions are and what they could be.

As we all know, as time flows by brings about evolution. Like how a fish is born from an egg. Eventually the egg hatches becoming a fingerling which then over time develops into a full-grown fish.

Dreams and ambitions are no different.

As time goes by, interests and hobbies will change. When that happens, so do Dreams.

Whether it's due to self-exploration, your peers, inflicted influence or even for the sake of trying new things. The reason doesn't matter. It just happens, like trends but more solid.

Hence why I call it 'Evolution'.
As it changes, Dreams and Ambitions gradually develop you into who you are or who you are meant to be.

For instance;

Imagine you were back in school as a 3 or 4 year old. Your teacher has asked you to draw a picture of "What you want to be when you grow up...".

What did you draw?

Here's a brief description of what i can recall of my drawing:

I remember drawing a stick figure of myself wearing a firefighter's cap holding a water-hose which had water shooting out of it. In the background was a building of stacked rectangles which I considered to be a house and inside I drew a representation of my mother and brother. Squiggly lines flowing upwards represented fire indicating that the 'house' was on 'fire'.

Hence my first dream was to be a FireFighter.
When asked 'Why', I said to the teacher, "So I can save everybody."

Beyond that, I could not remember what else was said.

Now, why a firefighter, you ask?
I don't rightly know. It could have been influenced by the cartoons and shows I watched which were:

  • Sesame Street
  • Captain Planet
  • M.A.S.K. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand)
  • Transformers
  • My Little Pony
  • Care Bears
  • He-Man and She-Ra
  • Jem and the Holograms

It could have just been pure intention of wanting to save everyone or merely becoming a hero.
For all you know, I just wanted to repay others for saving my life as I was a sickly child. But I won't get into that, not at this time.

Whatever it was, I genuinely wanted to help people and make them happy.

Besides that, I was very much into mythical creatures such as Mermaids, Fairies, Dragons and Unicorns.
It's a trait which pretty much stayed with me until now. Which is apparent my paintings.

Guardian Angel.jpg

Moving on...

As I grew older, I found that I enjoyed singing, dancing and art. I wanted to be a singer or artist. Despite the change in interest and ambition, the intention remained the same. I wanted to sing or draw to make people happy.

By now, one could see a pattern developing.
I wanted to spread happiness. Yet at the same time, I wanted to be accepted by everyone. Why? I can't remember.
It was around this time when peer pressure, being bullied or the constant struggle to be the 'best' or 'accepted' came into play... The trials and tribulations of school life.

It wasn't until I was about 11 years when Martial Arts entered my life.
I had my first taste in real combat and endurance training. It made me feel special as I had been the only girl. However, it didn't last. About a month into the classes, the instructor disbanded the class.

Thus began my interest in martial arts and the desire to be a fighter.
I wanted to be respected and be physically stronger. In a way, I wanted to be one of the boys... to act and look like one.
My tomboy phase if you will.

Gratefully though, I managed to get back into it soon after when I got enrolled into boarding school.

Now, in boarding school... it was a completely new environment which invited even more new experiences.
There were more activities to try and responsibilities to consider. The first experience of being in school while being away from the comforts of home.

With so many experiences to choose from, you can't help but want to try the ones that strike your fancy or even all of the activities aside from the compulsory sports and class projects. Which would further induce your goals, ambitions as well as dreams. It happens unconsciously.

Apart from Martial Arts, I got into swimming apart from continuing my love for singing and drawing which then evolved into painting with much support from my teachers. They have my deepest gratitude.

Fast forwarding a few more years...

During my undergraduate degree there were several things that I significantly realized.

Most of my interests remained consistently the same while adding several elements such as Therapy (massage), Role playing games, as well as writing.

It shouldn't be that odd that as interests, hobbies and the things we like will change and evolve as you grow older.
The point is, a pattern started to form. I was geared more towards the arts as I had always wanted to be and more.

Thus things went downhill from there, which led me to my current dream.
Part of it is to create a healing sanctuary. The rest including my 'Mission', I'll keep to myself for now.

Everyone in this world has a Mission. What kind of mission it is, is determined by the nature of a person's Dream and Ambition.
At least, that is how I view it. Not everyone's 'Mission' will be the same. If some are... cool... If not... that's cool, too. However it shouldn't stop you from trying out new things and adding new elements to your existing plethora of interests and skills.

How else do you evolve as a person?

As conclusion,
with reference to several motivational and inspirational Speakers whom I follow... Never say Never. Always be true to what you believe in.

Look inside yourself and see, what does your heart and soul tell you? What makes your heart soar? What drives you?

Believe in your dreams, no matter how big or how small. No matter how impossible or farfetched it may be, hold on to them and keep reaching out until you grasp them in your arms.

Yes, the dreams and ambitions that you have now , may be different than what you had growing up. Look again with different eyes. For all you know, you didn't stray very far. You probably just evolved to something even greater. Even if you haven't gotten there yet, keep reaching for it.

I know I am. Whatever I could not do as a child, I am rekindling now. Because I can.

Dreams and ambitions exist for a reason, why not give them another go and keep evolving them?

~~ Thank you for stopping by and wishing you all the best ^_^ ~~