My Innocence Project Begins

in #childexploitation5 years ago (edited)

Hi! I’m Gracie. I am a mom with a job and way too much to do. That’s not my real name, by the way. You can never be too careful. There are some sick people out there.

I have come to the point in my journey, where I feel like a crazy person on the street corner shouting and waving signs while everyone ignores me. I know too much about pedophilia and child exploitation but I have had no solid outlet for expressing my concerns. Child predators seem to be everywhere.

So far, I have no good answers, no good solutions. I started the journey with just information and raw emotion. I’m feeling around and getting my bearings about as well as one would in a fun house.

Yong Chuan

I really want to help keep children safe from predators but I haven't found anything I can get involved with. I know I have skills that could be helpful. To be honest, no one seems very interested in my assistance.

Not wanting to give up, I have decided to start my own little project!
I have been calling it my Innocence Project because at the heart of it children deserve to be innocent, right?

It started when I watched a Surviving Life livestream on YouTube Thursday or Friday night. Ron Swanson jokingly said something to the effect of 'you can do anything on Twitter'.
He probably was talking about copyright stuff, but my brain ran with it.** The moment I was my most angry and frustrated, this juicy morsel was dangled in front of me. I was a hungry dog.

Early Saturday morning I set off on my upcoming adventure in twitterland and nothing could stop me. Never in a million years would I have thought about joining the twitter, but suddenly it has become my perfect platform.

I wanted to start a shit storm. I will confess. My motives have been less than pure at times.

Here’s how it went.
At 6:30am I sign up for my first account. Okay, the twitter wants me to write an intro... and apparently I shouldn’t over think it. It still takes me way too long to come up with something.
Now, what should the picture be? A sad teddy bear is the first thing that comes to mind. Okay, done.

Now its time to get a bit cheeky for the banner. Shocked girls gossiping. Perfect.
8:30am I dedicate my first tweet to Surviving Life's creator, Ron Swanson for his inspiration.
At 9am I tweet to ‘Dude’*** the pedo: 'I just wanted to introduce myself 😘'

Poke. Poke. I just can’t help myself.

I had absolutely no clue what to do that first day with my Innocence Project but it felt so good to finally do something something. My first day on the twitter (yes, I plan to keep calling it the twitter), I ended up with 20 followers and I celebrated with a bottle of wine. Hurricane Dorian arrived in my part of Canada with earth shaking force on Saturday. I barely noticed.

Just before I started the twitter, Dude started blocking me from commenting on his live streams or videos. It was to be expected, I guess. I was giving it to him pretty good at times. I was getting a bit of attention, cracking a couple nuts (sorry/not sorry) and making a tiny difference with some people.
To be honest though, I needed to get away from Dude. Now, I can refocus.

It’s been a few days since I started my innocence project and I’ve been presented with another opportunity.

Write about child exploitation for Steemit.

I really enjoy writing, so why not?! It’s fun to post on the twitter but who wants to rant in 280 characters or less? Just as you are about to go in for the kill- nope too long. If I am going to come out swinging, then I’ve got to give this ALL I have got.

Marija Zaric

The way I see it, I can’t focus on one platform, or one angle. It will never be enough. It might be the Scot in me, but I want to have a real good fight.

Perhaps it will be the best kind of fight; a virtuous one, fought by words, law and love, not weapons, violence and apathy.

Don’t get me wrong, the temptation to hurt predators by any possible means can feel overwhelming at times.

However, if there’s anything impulsive warriors like me need, it’s to slow down and think. Maybe I should try to be like a snake. I’d like to explore this idea for a moment, if you'll humor me.

I don’t enjoy snakes much (thanks, bro). I know many people are terrified of them. However, snakes are great at hunting prey. I think we can learn a lot.

When we are thinking and hunting like a snake, we need to be cool and calculating. We must carefully choose our path and assess our situation, if we are going to successfully catch our prey and avoid danger.

Next, it is vitally important that we shed our identities online. We need to do this to protect ourselves and others when we are vulnerable. Safety is key.

Probably the most important thought of all; we must avoid becoming poisoned with venom. The terrible things we may see and experience, must be balanced with a life full of love. It’s okay to enjoy the moments of pure joy in our world. In fact, It’s essential.

Alexander Dummer

I think it’s time to talk seriously with someone who has experience with child predators. I bet a pedophile hunter would have some interesting things to say. Lucky me, I just met one. She’s agreed to answer my questions and I’m allowed to share the details with you!

I hope you will continue with me on my #innocenceproject journey. I don't know where its going to go but I’m committed to geting there.

Be sure to check out the twitter Innocence Project at and my first Steemit article, ‘Introducing Myself: I want to make a difference’, if you haven’t yet, at

Comments, criticism and glowing reviews are always welcome.

** I suspect that this video stream was deleted or altered for privacy reasons. It may be gone from YouTube but it is not forgotten.

*** I am not using a pseudonym to protect Dude or his identity. I believe he deserves to be put through the justice system before he is named for all eternity on Steemit. Hopefully, in the future I can share the complete story of Dirty Dog Dude.


try to get connected with #familyprotection, altho most of the times its about kids separated from their families

welcome to Steemit btw

looking forward to more articles from you

i wish the world would be more safer and kinder

Thank you for welcoming me.
Unfortunately I have done some child protection work, mostly supervised visits. It’s very sad to see families go through the trauma of being separated.
I will be posting my next article on tues sept 24th. Thank you for your support!

Hello gracie-gardener!

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Poke. Poke. I just can’t help myself.

How was your bottle of wine ;-)

It was great. It’s been a long time since I’ve done that. Thankfully I didn’t get hung over.
Thanks for coming by and taking a look!

Red or White?

Embarrassed to say that it was a rose. Usually I’m a dry white kinda gal.