What is the duty of a child to his parents? (!!!!!!!)

in #child6 years ago (edited)

A child’s duty to his parents is a concept based on this idea that parents are not at all liable for birth of a child. As parents are helping their child to survive in his childhood so when he will be adult his duty is to support his parents in their old age.

Above idea is a bundle of some wrong, dangerous and contradictory concepts including absence of some good concepts. So let’s make an analysis:

  1. This concept is developed when people had no idea about birth control. Birth control proved that parents can control birth of a child (with some very rare exceptions)

  2. This idea is against govt. law. Above idea is an agreement. An agreement is signed between two parties in presence of them to fulfill their needs. A child cannot sign an agreement before his birth and when he had no needs to fulfill. A mother makes a child helpless when she gives birth to him. (I don’t consider a child like an object)

  3. This idea is against love rule, love condition. According to love rule who you love his ability will influence your ability. If parents’ ability fulfills child’s needs this is just love’s distribution, not help. If you love your child he cannot be a subject of your mercy.

  4. This idea holds a social system that gives a dangerous message to a child who lost his parents or to people who could not parent a child or lost their child. Society gives this message that it did not develop a strong protection (or at all any protection) for them.

  5. This idea exists because we could not yet develop Joint family democracy.

  6. This idea is against child right, child empowerment (world could not yet understand the concept of child empowerment, child empowerment will include but not limited to a child’s world bank/family organization’s profit sharing, child’s employment(when he is playing), child’s voting power(on some limited field).

  7. This idea is an injustice to a son. Parents take care both their son and daughter. Daughter’s can voluntarily help their parents after their marriage but sons are bound to.

  8. This idea often creates discrimination between son and daughter. People prefer spending money on son compare to a daughter.

  9. This idea is against a physically or mentally disabled child who might have less possibility of earning sufficient money in future. For this reason parents can show negligence to that child.

  10. This concept becomes reason for population inflation and spreading crime because more children mean more income and more security in the future. On the other hand more children mean more negligence, less and less ability to understand and control each child.

  11. This concept gives no idea how a son will find an economy in future that will assist him to earn sufficient money for his own family including parents.

  12. This idea seems to be a religious concept but it is contradictory to some religious belief. One should not hold this belief that he will remain alive when his child will be adult (also employed) or his child may not die in his early age. It is parents (not God) who are providing food to their child. In parents’ old age their child (not God) will provide food.

Actually a child has no duty to his parents. Children will do activities for their parents because they voluntarily want to do so for getting more love. A child is a great source of true love. A child can provide huge mental force to his parents to survive. Parents are undoubtedly very important persons to a child. There are a lot of people who might try to reduce your importance for their own interest or will show fake importance to you for deceiving. This situation can damage your heart. When your heart is damaged it requires some ointment. Your child is a great ointment because you are really important to him.

You might hold some belief, knowledge etc and can practice some behavior or follow some procedure that can boost you up. You impose these ideas (or practices) upon your child. When your child holds them you become mentally more enthusiastic. Your love relationship with your child proceeds with give and take basis from both ends according to love rules. When you have more children, each of your children will lose his some ability to provide love to you (because your love requirement is limited) and all of them start losing their importance.

A child can voluntarily provide gift or support to his parents at any time. Sensible parents feel shame to show that they are expecting something from their child. What they do is providing pure love to their child and it is a child who seeks a chance to express more love by doing or providing something to his parents.

If a child is not security for his parents then what is the security for them. Actually no person should be security for another person. Every person’s life is limited to their age, breath etc, his mental situation/ beliefs might change and his economic situation might have topsy-turvy. A person’s best security can be an organization. An organization has no limited life, its thoughts (constitution or policies) are comparatively stable, Permanent fund based economy can give strong security. Joint family based organizations, professional or business organizations, Govt. based organizations and World Bank can be best security for a person.