Sleeping Under the StarssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #chickens8 years ago

Two of our hens decided to camp out last night. They slept on top of the coop instead of inside. It was already dark last night when I closed up the coop, so I didn't see them.


The hen in the front is a Dark Brahama. She is the first one with feathered feet that we've had. The other hen is an Easter Egger.

It is cool and foggy this morning. You can definitely feel the end of Summer and the beginning of Fall.

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Same thing here. To many predators to leave our girls out. You are lucky they were still there in the morning. Thanks . 🐓🐓

We couldn't do that up here they'd be gone by the morning. We have lots of fury friends that are a bit partial to a chicken or two.

It is risky. We have had some problems with opossums and raccoons.

Oh man, I'm glad we didn't miss any chickens last night because a great horned owl has been frequenting the property in the evenings. I'm sure they'd be no match!

If you're interested in other feathered feet birds, in LOVING my Blue Langshans and I even love my Faverolles even though they're dumber than a box of rocks! Lol

I once accidentally left a chicken in its run of my grow out coop. One night. I was thankful and feeling guilty when I saw it there huddled in a corner in the morning... oops!

Yeah, it is weird how well they can take care of themselves in the daytime but how helpless they are at night. We got lucky.

The coop is right near the house and all the windows were open, so I would have heard them if a raccoon came. It wouldn't be the first time that I went running out of the house at 3 am in rubber boots and my underwear . . . swinging a snow shovel.

I don't know if I told you this story before. The first time my daughter hatched her own eggs in her incubator she was so proud of her new babies. She named them all and gave them treats. She would go straight out to the workshop after school to bring the chicks outside to see the world. Sometimes she would carry one around the yard and show it all of the best places to hide if a hawk came when it was older and living with the adult flock. So adorable.

The first night that the chicks, pullets by then, could sleep outside we had them in an outdoor brooder cage. Something dug under the side of the cage and carried of all of them except for a red pullet named Ginger. Brownwyn found her the next morning all by herself, completely freaked out of course. What a heartbreaker. There were a lot of tears, as you can imagine.

Ginger was too little to join the adult flock so she followed Bronwyn around all summer like a puppy. B liked to take her out to the garden and they would dig for worms together or B would make her a clover salad. It was so cute.

Eventually Ginger developed an interest in boys and went to live with the rest of the hens.

That's a sweet story! :) it's good your kid has love in her heart like that!