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RE: Chess problem 73 / Schachaufgabe 73

in #chess6 years ago

Yeah thats what I meant by back rank weaknesses. Rxe7 Qxe7 then Ba3 leads to b4! Bxb4 Qxb4 for blacks and Rc1 would be mate. b4 is possible because queen moved (otherwise the b pawn is pinned), so maybe theres a way to go for Ba3 before?

It's very tactical and in a lightning game i'd still favor whites heavily


Yes, this is a clear advantage for white.

At one point in this whole variation black has a better defence so that in the end he only loses one pawn. Maybe you like trying to find that, but if not, I will show you later. :)

Is it Kg8 at one point? I looked at that briefly but whites can do Qf7+ Kh7 then c4 to open the last rook and threaten Qh3, seems brutal but I dunno how it works in practise

It is a variant that starts after 4. Rxa5.

@@ -189,16 +189,17 @@
t if not

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