New Oak tree phenomenon

in #chemtrail8 years ago

Everywhere you look recently the Oaks are sick or dying. Many exhibit fungal infection, signs of UV radiation burning on bark and limbs, rotting from the ground up, and poor new limb and leaf growth.

Many factors could attribute to this, but we all have to ask… being such a wide ranging phenomenon not just occurring all over the island, but most regions of the world, what is causing these massive tree die offs to occur everywhere you look?

This is not just an Oak problem. Cedars, Maples, Birch, Aspen are all exhibiting the same types of attributes. Many are flashing out dead in what are prime regions for tree growth.

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maybe it's just a natural earth process.
global warming? (I don't buy into that)
Or the chemtrails (more likely but I still doubt) though some big name theorists think that

There has been a substantial increase in both UVA and UVB radiation in recent years which could account for the bark peeling and crowns drooping. Speaking as someone with a work history in landscaping/horticulture, many of the trees are exhibiting what one would diagnose as signs of drought, yet there has been record rainfall, especially around the time of this reporting.

Soil toxicity can be a cause of mal-absorption and lack of water uptake by the root structures. Chemtrails would attribute for this if there is no contamination by another source. There are chemtrails scattered throughout the sky on almost a daily basis where this footage was taken.