- Natural gas and petroleum are used primarily as fuels. These are also used as starting materials for the production of variety of organic compound.
- Propane and butane which are gases obtained from natural gas are widely available as liquid in fuel cylenders.
- Ethylene is the major starting material fir the menufacture of organic chemicals and products such as polyethylene (plastic).ethyl alcohol,acedic acid and ethylene glycol called antifreeze.
- Acetylene is widely used in the oxy- acetylene welding and cutting materials. Acetylene is also used in the preparation of polymers like PVC ( polyvinyl chloride ) polyvinyl acetate , synthetic, rubber, nylon etc.
- Acetylene is also used for artificial ripening of fruits.
- Compounds of phenol help to ensure antiseptic conditions in hospital operating rooms.
- Methanol is used as a solvent for fats, oils, paints and varnishes.
- Many organic compound are used in the manufacture of drugs, dyes,cosmetics, detergents and soaps, nylon, emulsionand paints etc.