Informal Live Voice and Text Chat – Air your Concerns Thursday 9th August
This Thursday August 9th you are invited to a live, informal chat on discord.
This is your opportunity to raise concerns you have around the Steemit platform, to ask questions, to share ideas, to have a laugh and do some networking.
Being our first live chat and depending on the interest, we can then decide how often we will run these. I am not sure that there is the need for another live chat or event people feel they need to ‘attend’ every week. Discord is already heaving with shows, chats and events covering almost everything possible on Steemit. Although its also nice to chat just to keep in touch, and we may find that's a good enough reason to make these chats more regular.
If there are enough chats and shows on discord, why am I doing this? Well at the end of the day, if we don’t talk, I won’t know your concerns, or be able to share in your joys and I may not know what you are working on. If I don’t know these things, how can I truly support you? and as I said, its nice to chat just to keep in touch.
So I invite you to discord on Thursday 9th August at 11am UTC time. You can use this link to convert the time to your local time
The chat will be both voice and text, so you can take part either way, or just listen and read as we go
You can use this link to join
See you Thursday

I should be awake by then :D
Remind me to resteem this a bit before?
I wonder how many folks are around at that time, I'm guessing east coast US will be just waking up, and the rest will likely be asleep, so a European crowd could be likely?
European morning, Indonesian evening. its informal so pop by if you can.
Ok mom. So, ueropean going to night right now
Surely going to be there if i get home on time, Will see you on discord :)
it will be great to take part. i really love this and i hope i can join this live chat. thank you for this great idea @paulag
it would be great! waiting for it.
Good luck with the show.
I can't say that I'll show up.