✴️ DID SMARTPHONES "KILL" THE WATCH?? MY Nixon 51-30 Chrono Watch 😎

in #charlesfuchs7 years ago


Do people still wear watches these days? Several years ago, I came to realize that many people don't even wear watches as much anymore. It's become more of a fashion statement than anything else.

Every time I go out on a business meeting or to one of those entrepreneur conventions, I see people "flashing" there Rolexes, Breitlings, Gucci, Cartier watches worth tens of thousands of dollars. ⌚

Couple of my friends even have $20,000 Rolexes and Breitlings watches which is pretty insane in my book. You will never see me buying "materialistic things" like those. I rather invest it but it's none my business what people do with there money 😎

The real funny thing is that I "Rock" a huge $300 Nixon 51-30 Chrono Watch for over 5+ years. I get more compliments and attention from this watch than most of my friends who have these expensive watches. 🤣

You see, it's not how valuable something is... it's how you present yourself.... with "confidence".

So did Smartphones kill the watch? I think it did, less people are wearing them these days. Maybe in a few decades when people look back at old photos, they are going to say "What are thoooooose"... just like we look at CD's and pagers these days. 😂

Keep On STACKIN! 💞

~ Charles Fuchs

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Watches are really a fashion statement.
I am planning to get my digital watch soon.
kinda late in this picture.

My high school teacher said "When you grow up you won't be walking around with a calculator in your pocket"

boy was she wrong lol

People who don’t do, teach haha

I am a watch lover i have 4 watches not to expensive but i can't leave home without watch. Nice post loved it and nice watch.

It's how you wear it. Act like a boss, get treated like a boss.

Words of a true boss right there 😎

And possibly be disliked by people who dislike authority figures.

Depends on how you present yourself as a boss.

The truth right there :)

To me not even my smartphone can take the place of the wrist watch. I use G-shock wrist watch worth #300 hmm very cheap.

That watch must have tons sentimental value 😂

Like serious, it is. That is just what I can afford for now

Like serious, it is. That is just what I can afford for now

That's naira, right? Lol

yes o, i cut my cloth according to the material i have. If I done hammer me too will use Rolex worth even $50,000

Darn it, I think I'm 10 years to late to realize that hahaha

Seeing this your post made me laugh out loud because I was just telling my friend today that I have never bought a WATCH with my money before. Maybe we one time shared the same philosophy

Couple of my friends even have $20,000 Rolexes and Breitlings watches which is pretty insane in my book. You will never see me buying "materialistic things" like those. I rather invest it but it's none my business what people do with there money 😎

My phone has been serving the purpose of wrist watch, Lol.

Yeah, when I wear my watch... I still check the time on my iPhone LOL

At least I am not alone in this, Lol....

Maybe another question would be, have smartwatches dinged the demand for "old school" watches?

I say that because I had a Samsung Gear S2. It was the "Dick Tracy" type where it had it's own internal sim and could be a phone by itself. I hadn't worn a "old style" watch :) for years.

Having said that, I sold it, and am looking at going back old school. Not going for the fancy watch, agree with you that the money is better spent on your business.

I have an old Timex watch that I might use in the interim. It was my father's watch. What I find interesting is that I have reverted to "old school" earlier in my life.

Example, I use to be one of those guys who spent his money on the three blade, four blade, etc. Gillette razors. It was spendy. So, I reverted back to a double-edge razor and have never been more satisfied.

Keep doing what you're doing Charles. Obviously, it's working for you!

I'm not a flashy dude and not big on fashion statements or jewerly or brands. That said if someone is going to buy jewelry a watch from a quality manufacture is probably the best buy, custom jewerly, diamond stuff, rapper jewelry is dumb as fuck a rolex or a breitling is one of the less stupid "investments" when it comes to jewelry

Totally agree! The only jewelry I have is my white gold chain I bought for thousands more than a decade ago when gold was a few hundred bucks. It retained it's value and worth more today :)

Yeah I have a nice gold box chain from Italy with a medallion that my grandma gave me when I turned 21. Aside from that I think the only piece of jewelry I'll ever buy would be a nice watch