"Motivation does't matter if you don't take any action." ~ Charles Fuchs.
Alrighty guys, I'm going to be quite honest and transparent as possible with this post.
Sometime around November 2017 - Now... when the "Crypto" Hype was full in effect, I kinda let myself go (fitness wise that is). 😟
I even remember sleeping only like 4-5 hours a night and spending most of my time focusing on cryptocurrency markets doing trading and research.
Sooo in other words, I stopped going to the gym to workout and convinced "myself" that I'll just do it later and guess what happened?
It became a habit and I stopped working out completely.
What was worse is that I started to eat like shit also, all the way from pizzas, burgers and fries everyday. In other words I got lazy as Fuck. 🤣
The result: I gained 10 LBS of unwanted fat, Sheshhhh!
I've been working out for almost 20+ years however I'm not one of those gym rats or anything like that. Fitness was something I just did a few times a week just to get my "mind" right. It was just more of a mental thing for me to push my limits every week.
I just got caught up with all the "money" that was being made in the "Crypto" hype and totally forgot about my health.
So there is no more excuses for me, today marks the first day from becoming Shit to Fit. I'm a very motivated person so in other words, I'm going to get it done and lose all this excess flab in about 30 days.
This post is just more of a reminder to myself (in other words motivation) to get off my ass and start getting fit again... however if it motivates a few people that would be a bonus. 🏋🏼♂️
Wish me luck guys, it's time for me once again to "put in the work" and stop making tons of excuses... let's go make it happen.
Keep On STACKIN! 💞
P.S. For those who's interested in following my "Content" and "Daily" Posts... you can just follow me @stackin to get my updates.

cryptocurrency - 100% life steal hahaha. It's good that you found your way back to taking care of your health! Congrats :P
Here's some serious motivation - ☺
I'm sorry that I got fat
by Wesley Willis
Now go whupp Spiderman and batman's ass!
Great! Now I want to order some Pizza Hut! 😂😅
Well on the PLUS side (no pun intended) most of that 10lbs of extra weight is actually just water weight your body stashed away with all of the excess sugars. You'll be like 7lbs lighter in a week just from diet and light exercise :-D
I am with you bro @stackin. Been lazy as well fixing to start off on Monday. #shit2fit
don't let it be an extra emphasis beside your daily work, follow your daily work routine as you maintain previously.
This happened to many ... lol Best wishes :)
lol... @splendorhub has it happen to you?
Nope. Fitness is a life style :D
Hey now, you suppose to motivate me and say "get your ass back in shape". I need some tuff love. 🤣
all the motivation needed.

Now I’m motivated haha
I need this on my phone!
Hahaha that's called time collapsing. It's the quickest way to become a steemit whale.
This is so relatable though. Glad to know other people spend embarrassing amounts of time learning things to the point that they neglect health. Did you also skip showers occasionally? Add that one to the list for me lol
mmm pizza

You just had to do that haha :)
It sounds like you will have no problem getting back into the swing of things! Just get that momentum rolling and before you know it, you will be back into the routine of exercising everyday!
Looking forward to updates! :)
GET BACK TO IT MY FRIEND. I think we are all in the same boat!
Your right, I need to get rid of my muffin top 😂 🍮 🥧