❇️ I HAVE THE STEEMIT POWER!! I Get Asked This Question All The Time 🤔🤑
Once I started steemit about 32 days ago, I was lost, confused and frustrated. There was so much information and new things to learn about the platform.
However, I didn't let that stop me because I see steemit as the future of Social Media and I was going to make it work regardless what happens. 🤑
It can be information overload for lots of newbies and minnow when they first get started. One of the most questions that came up all the time was "How can I check out my steemit stats"? 🤔
There are several websites out there that can do this... but I wanted a simple and fast website where I can go to see all my activities on steemit all in one place. 💻
Things such as my Latest Voting Power, Upvotes, Curation, author, and posts. 📝
Well guess what guys... I found it. The site I used is called steemnow.com created by @penguinpablo.
Here is an example of my current stats on "Voting Power"... I like what I see. 😋
I hope this brings some value to all the new people who joined Steemit. I also heard through the grapevine that there's about 2000+ new accounts created everyday! 💙💚
To conclude this... Did everyone have a great 4th of July week?
I took a few days off and guess what? I am fully powered up like "He-Man" right now and you know what that means 😂🤣

YES, I UpVote Awesome Comments and ReSteems by the way 🎯
Keep on Motivating and Inspiring the people on STEEMIT 💕
Follow Yo Boy Here @STACKIN (2237+ "STACKERS" Strong) 👑
Feel Free to check me out on: Facebook (22,310+), Instagram (19,273+), Twitter (38,287+), and Snapchat (20,000+). 👨🏼💻
Thanks for sharing @stackin ... I've been using that site and its very helpful!
No problem @rickreck... aprrreeeesh!
it's @richreck, NOT @rickreck LOL
Congrats to your new voting power. Spreading wealth is really fun ;-)
Full 100% and resteemed :-)
Sharing some wisdom to my peeps lol ... Thank you @welovesteemit!
check out my post about steemit superstars, am ON!! ... :))
That is a great tool! I had to bookmark it.
You should check out my steemit bookmarks, it's insanty 😂😂😂
hahaha ya right, same ! 😂😂😂
steemnow.com created by @penguinpablo is KILLER.. 🤜🏾 💥 💯

Nice to see when your voting power is up or down.. lol
great post @stackin
You got that right... Best MEME on this post today @tastetwist!
🤜🏾 💥 💯 sweet!!
Another excellent one! Love your energy and dedication to the community. That's the way to go. 100% upvoted (talking about VP...:-)).
Have a great day!
You are just the best, 30 days into steemit and I love the place... so far 😮😂
Hehe good to hear that. Sent you a message on Facebook since I'm not going to be here very often the next weeks.
See ya around 👊
You sure it was my right profile, I have like 1000+waiting and just deleted someone. shoot me a message! :) lol .https://www.facebook.com/charlesfuchs
Haha great! Tried to confirm your request but didn't work. Too many friends 🤓 Sent you a message on Instagram (my nick there is @surfermarly, too).. Good to have so many profiles (chances) 😁✌️
You being a badass as always! Thanks for the tips! :D @stackin
Hey now :) ... I'm just following in your footsteps!
Your consistency and quality content paid off. Good job.
Apppresh @veganmoney, that's a cool name by the way 🙌🏼🤑
That's what I'm saying! @veganmoney :D
Yessss this site is so helpful!
You are doing awesome @awakealiveaware... I want to be like you haha
pshhhh Charles let me be like you ;)
Na, everyone wants to be like you lol
We both love her Chief! @awakealiveaware
I think it's great you've taken every chance possible to buy Steem. Good for you man :)
I always said this... "keep on stackin" 🤑
thanks for the clarity babe