in #charlesfuchs7 years ago (edited)

People tend to be influenced by lies, deceit and hope; be sure to take any information or opinion from people with a grain of salt ~ Charles Fuchs.

What's Up STACKERS!! 

If you were around the last couple of days, you probably already heard that of two most popular Crypto "Fake Lending" programs were just shut down and took off. 🙇🏼‍♂️

Who should you "Blame"?... with tons of "Internet Marketers", "Bloggers", "Content Producers" and "Influencers" becoming "Crypto" Experts overnight putting people into these"Ponzi Schemes", are they at fault? 😨

Should they be accountable? They made "Millions" off of you pitching lies and deceit to you all over Social media.

You guys know me, I was offered sh💩t loads of "Deals" to promote these programs last year and got pitched numerous times a day. They all just wanted me to "Shill" it to all my followers. I just couldn't do it my people just to make a quick buck. 🖕

What was my sarcastic replies to all of them? Pay me 3-5 Bitcoins... just to see what they would say as a joke and to leave my ass alone. 🤣

So who's to blame? The Company, The Promoter, The Sheep? I would have to say everyone who was involved is to blame... including people who signed up. 

"These Promoters" who knew it was a "Scheme" from the beginning still pitched it to you and you still called them your "Social Media" friends? They just took your money!

Now moving forward, they will still start promoting more "NEW"Schemes" to you all over again... and if you didn't learn your lesson and still follow them, it's your damn fault.

Always take full responsibly on all the decisions and choices you make in life... if you still let these fake "Social Media" influencers to entice you again with there charisma and personality,  your the sheep and it 100% your fault... Stop the Bitchin'. 😳

This is a very touchy subject to most because it involves with your hard earned money. To each his own, but if you had some self awareness you should of known better.

It seems some of these people (that made millions scammin' people into there deals) are coming back to Steemit, well if you are the ones still support them on here... they are not the problem anymore, it's actually the people who still follow them. 

Hate Me Or Love Me, it's still the truth. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Keep On STACKIN! 💞

For those who are interested in following my "Daily Activities" that I do in very "short form". Follow me here: @charles-fuchs


I've been DM'd many times in Discord by people trying to get me to sign up to this BS Ponzi scheme.
Good riddance I say. Buy and HODL, don't fall for these 'get rich quick schemes' as they always collapse leaving the last to enter getting ripped off.
Nice one @stackin

That’s crazy, I had a few hits on discord also! I just completely ignored them 😂

You did the right thing mate. If you get into that type of scheme you want to be in early and get out before the SHTF. It's morally iffy though.

You guys know me, I was offered sh💩t loads of "Deals" to promote these programs last year and got pitched numerous times a day. They all just wanted me to "Shill" it to all my followers. I just couldn't do it my people just to make a quick buck. 🖕

kudos and respect to ya for this... 🙂

Oksy thanks for the info.

Truth be told!
Truth cannot hide.
They are back.
Time will tell.
Well said.

Keep on steemit.

Just one phrase, "keep on Steemin" haha

People who promoted these kind of programs should be ashamed...

Love to read it

Sometimes people doesn't got clue of what they do, they just believe it.... But you have to pay for stupidity

They just want the quick buck 🤣

I am so glad I never got into promoting these things. I think my very first video on Steemit was about Genesis Mining, which is shady enough and I never did it again. When I learned about those you have not named here from "CryptoNick" on YouTube I thought I could do the same for sure. But I always felt like it would be wrong to promote something I barely understand and that is being called out by many as a ponzi scheme. (So was Steemit, even on Wiki, but here I trusted my instinct as well and it was totally different)

It turned out to be a very wise decision.

Yeah! It seriously messes up a persons whole reputation and "fake" friendships are lost as well!

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

Same here @flauwy, even the 17 year old "CryptoNick" made like a Million bucks on the Ponzi, now he saying that it's not his fault that they lost all there money. WTH LOL

I thought exactly the same when I watched his video today. "I cannot believe my eyes after so much they have done for me." He should have said: After so much he has done for them! Because the million he earned multiplies into millions he has delivered to them via his videos.

Genesis Mining seems more a logic system to me than bitconnect - why do you list it in the same category like BCC?

You would of already 5x-10x your bitcoin if you just bought last year lol

I dont want to defend the people who were promoting that but one thing I think we should consider is that BTC was created to give us the power over our money back

and as uncle Ben said : With great power comes great responsibilty.

For the good and the bad decisions you make.

That makes tons of sense... just makes me sick how the way these assholes marketed the programs, flashin cash, money, back offices saying I make money doing nothing... it’s hard for normal people to stay away. Such deceit lol

For sure. I throw some money into it as well....I am interested to see how people react now since one came back to steemit with a shit tone of SP.

I guess they will forget and hope for upvotes but they are showing their true colors now imo.

@stackin Charles you just hit the NAIL on the Head my Friend. I took quite a BIT of HEAT tonight from my Girlfriend who told me not to support or associate with the people who espoused Bitconnect.

She’s right, run the other way lol

That’s why you’re the man. Integrity!

I do try at times 🤣

Very true brother! I admit I got into a few of lending platforms but only a few bucks here and there, never invested big money. I'm glad I didn't seeing the outcome of some of these platforms now. Today was a big day in the crypto world!

Yeah I get them sometimes but I don’t shill it to my friends lol

When I see or hear the word SCAM it scares me. It's hard earned money, we all must be very, very careful in trusting. Thank you for sharing this @stackin!

Sorry for scaring you @leahlei HAHA :)

This made me laugh lol @stackin. But I am sorry for those who were scammed.

Sad fact there are WINNERS, LOSERS and SCAMMERS! :(

@stackin This is sad for those you invested here. Not me :D Chin up everyone :) Wishing all the best!

Tons of people made money, just the other 90% losts... projections are hundreds of thousands of people lost :(