"Money is just an illusion" ~ Charles Fuchs.
We are currently living in one of the biggest wealth transfer in history, are you prepared for it? Is cryptocurrency the answer?... only time will tell. ⏰
Everyday, I keep getting questions if they should invest in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency. Well, the answer is totally up to them based on their own research. 👨🏼💻
Instead of me saying buy this or that, I tend to give people information about the "blockchain" and how it's going to change the world instead. If they get the concept, they can make there own informed decision.
The question is not really if they should invest in cryptocurrency or not, most people just don't want to lose "money". You see, people tend to invest in things that they don't understand or have little information to make a logical or rational decision. 👨🏼🏫
It's totally up them, if you think Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency are the future, all you have to do is invest and take emotions out of it. 😩
I have no problem investing into Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies because I only invest what I can afford to lose and by doing DAC (Dollar Cost Averaging) every week, It takes the emotions out of it.
Earning STEEM daily is like dollar cost averaging, we have no control over it. We post, we earn, we wait, then in 7 days we get paid. There is no thinking or emotion involved. It's like dollar cost averaging Steem without knowing it. 🤣
Too many people go "ALL IN" just like they did in November and December of 2017 and lost there asses off just because "everyone" was talking about it (Herd Mentality). They let their emotions get the best of them.
Will Bitcoin and the Cryptocurrencies of today be a good investment? I have no idea... I just position myself and wait. Crypto's are a very speculative play and one can lose it all but with big risks, comes with high rewards. 📊
So to conclude this, I recommend people to diversify. Never "Go ALL IN". The biggest wealth transfer is coming in the next 10 years, you need to prepare yourself.
Have lots of gold, silver, cash, cryptocurrencies, get out of debt, educate yourself, have an online business, guns and ammo, have like minded friends etc... etc... by doing these simple things, you will be prepared for what the future holds.
Have an awesome Saturday guys and Keep on STACKIN! 💞
P.S. For those who's interested in following my "Content" and "Daily" Posts... you can just follow me @stackin to get my updates.
Cryptocurrency is innovation.
Again btc will be USD $20,000 and they will jump in.
Some will cry and some will scream.
Fun part, it is accessible to everyone.
Keep on steemin'
Speaking the truth right there :)
The technology is much better as well, take that into concideration in the long run.
Thanks for the advice bro.
I think you hit the point home (run) with this statement;
But why 10years? I even think its much sooner.
For most persons, the problem is not whether they should be buying crypto but when you should be buying...
Crypto seems to have more volitale and sudden trends compared to stocks. If this were a stock and the "bubble" lasted for a few years instead of a month, then we could say it's 10 years but yeah I agree, bull trends could come in the next few months and last for only a few months.
Way off topic - but I tagged you in this post and I hope you can support the idea. Minnows need help to succeed here and I think this is a winner!
Pay It Forward Contest Entry by fitinfun

As far as investing - I had nothing when I got here and now I have 4 coins other than sbd and steem. All by blogging and signing up for things and working it. I cannot complain and thank God I am seeing this at the start. If not for steemit, this old lady would still be on the sidelines. Now crypto pays most of my bills - even during the harder times.
Wise words. Diversification is key, but cryptos are definitely part of that for me.
Holy crap are you in my brain??? I literally said this exact phrase word for word yesterday—> We’re living in the biggest wealth transfer in history.” Exactly exactly exactly.
Most people don’t realize that. Even a lot of YouTubers just want to make money but there are a lot of them that don’t know what they’re talking about.
The worldwide debt can’t be paid back and the derivatives market is going to crash. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. So yeah, guns haha. Maybe I should blog about crypto again lol were you listening to my convo?
I've been sitting on the fence for about a year regarding Crypto as I wanted to be informed before opening an account. I'm in the process of opening up my first account on Coinbase as I have a "feeling" that I may need it in the future for diversification purposes.
Also open an account on Binance for your future crypto needs :)
Thanks for the tip 🤗
You should listen to Pain Killer by Sarkodie
Then get back to me.
Mama by Mayorkun
great post and very true people should only invest what they can afford :) hopefully everything keeps rising
Let's take it from @stackin
NEVER GO ALL IN! Thank you @stackin!😉❤😊