VOTE DONASI AMAL UNTUK PALESTINE | Vote Donation Charity for Palestine
PBB OCHA Badan Koordinasi Urusan Kemanusiaan merilis. Rakyat Palestine mengadakan aksi Protes dan demonstrasi yang diadakan sejak hari Jumat, 15 Mei 2018, yang dikenal dengan Hari Nakba (the Great March of Return).Protes terus berlangsung setelah Hari Nakba bahkan sepanjang bulan Ramadhan.
Dilaporkan bahwa hingga Ramadan ke-10 jumlah korban warga Palestina yang meninggal mencapai 53 orang, termasuk seorang jurnalis foto Palestina. Sekitar 2.597 orang dirawat dirumah sakit akibat terkena peluru tajam, inhalasi gas dan luka berat, dan diantaranya 454 adalah anak-anak yang menjadi korban keganasan tentara israel. Rilis berita

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VOTE UNTUK DONASI PALESTINA Donasi Vote Pengguna Steemit akan di kumpulkan melalui akun ini dan akan ditransfer ke akun Purnama Care Foundation (PCF) dan akan diumumkan pada 18 Juni 2018.
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A grief Palestine is the grief of Muslims and the grief of humanity in the World, after centuries of colonization, massacres and discrimination against the Muslims in Palestine. That is triggered by Israel's forcible seizure of territory coupled with the issue of inter-religious conflict. We realize that the conflict between the Palestinian Muslims and the Jewish Zionists never ceases and ends.
UN (OCHA) Coordinating Agency for Humanitarian Affairs released. The Palestine people held protests and demonstrations held since Friday, May 15, 2018, known as Nakba Day (the Great March of Return).
Protests continued after Nakba Day even during Ramadan.
It was reported that up to the 10th Ramadan the death toll of Palestine reached 53, including a Palestine photo journalist. Approximately 2,597 people were hospitalized due to exposure to bullets, gas inhalation and serious injuries, and 454 were children who were the victims of the malignancy of the Israeli army.
Al-Aqsa Mosque is a silent witness to Israeli atrocities and violence committed against Palestinians, even thousands of Palestinians there who have been killed in the aftermath of this prolonged conflict. Through this short article I invite on behalf of humanity, to do and move to help for relatives in Palestine as well as for humanity in the world.
VOTE FOR DONATION OF PALESTINE Vote User Donation Steemit will be collected through this account and will be transferred to Purnama Care Foundation (PCF) account and will be announced on June 18, 2018.
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And personally I will donate the SBD (Steem Dollar) I have for help for the Palestinians. And I hope friends can forward this post and broadcast it.
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Photos by @azroel with Canon EOS 600D
Mantap bro udah cocok nih
Teima kasih sudah mampir saudara..
InsyaAllah brother lanjutkan yaaa
Tetap semangat dan mari bergandengan tangan dalam memberikan vote untuk palestina
Hi @azroel,
Your post "VOTE DONASI AMAL UNTUK PALESTINE | Vote Donation Charity for Palestine" hast just been Resteemed !!! 😉😉😉
I'll continue it as long as you are with me..
😄😻😄 Best regards, free resteeme. @tow-heed😻😻😻