Upvote To Charity - The $teem made through this post will go to a Charity of your choice!

in #charity7 years ago



Would the community upvote a post if the money generated for it, would be donated to a charity?

This is the question that I have been thinking about the past 24h. Woulnd´t you also find it amazing if we could use STEEMIT to generate money to give to a good cause?

All Steem Dollar I receive through this post after 7 days, will be donated to the one charity that was named most in the comments below. (Default Rewards)

Maybe I am embarrassing myself here and this won´t work out, but maybe a decent amount of money can be generated to be paid forward!

Simply comment the name of your charity you want the money to go to below, and hope others do so as well.

How can you trust me that I will actually donate the money?

You can´t. Since you do not know me, you either do or you don´t. After the donation, I will post a confirmation video of the transaction to the charity which was named the most!

How will I approach the donating so the STEEMIT COMMUNITY PROFITS MOST?

  1. No matter the generated amount, I will first approach the charity that was named most and ask them to create a Steemit account so they can receive the donation. I think a donation can be a good incentive for them to get interested in Steemit. Imagine a big charity like Amnesty International start using Steemit because they realized it has good potential to generate funds, which might lead to more known charities using it. Or imagine a small charity that will be able to grow faster after discovering Steemit.

  2. If the amount stays low (below 50 $teem) and they do not want to create a Steemit account I will transfer the money through my personal bank account directly. If the money is above 50 $teem and they are not willing to create a Steemit account I see if they accept Bitcoin donations, and donate via Bitcoin transfer if they do so.

  3. If they don´t, my question to the community is: Is there any way to exchange Bitcoin to money onto a bank account that is not YOURS? I am new to Cryptocurrencies so any input would be helpful. If that is possible, I would be doing that!

  4. If non of the above works I will approach the charity that was mentioned second most - and so on!

I will be updating on the process in the comments below!

I´m excited to see how this will go! :)
