June 30 Days Writing Challenge - Life Hack - Day Eighteen: Sell yourself

in #challenge30days6 years ago

I recently did a quick free write about humility you can read here and it made me think about how humility is a great personal attribute, except when it isn't. Sometimes you have to let someone know how you contribute and what you do that is of great worth. Think in this case of a job interview, how are you going to get that job if you cannot explain the value you add to the group?

This brings me to life hack day 18

sell yourself

If you played a role in a big success, explain that role you took. Its always great to give credit to your team of people that are around you, but that doesn't mean that they need the spotlight in that moment. My friend @bluefinstudios made a remark the other day about how his work crew is professional and makes him look good, that if there are mistakes made, they were made by him. He forgot to mention that he leads the team and they get put into a position to be successful because of him. Bluefin is showing himself to be a consummate professional leader by giving his crew props. However, if he was having that discussion with a potential suitor for his companies product, you best believe he should be out there playing up his management of the group and highlighting his added value. If he doesn't sell himself in that situation, he is selling his group short.

-Curt Ross