Through The Innocent Eyes Of A Child

in #challenge308 years ago (edited)

I wrote this about an hour or so ago. I'm quite excited about this one... it has that feel about it.

“Granma, can we look at your gemstones please?” The diminutive face looked up at her with such an excited glow and ‘Granma’ couldn’t resist the request.

“Come on then, you know where they’re kept.”

They went to the parlour together, the little one leading her Granma by the hand. Granma could tell she was trying so very hard to be patient and not pull too much, but the tiny trembling hand belied the good intentions and Granma smiled.

The display cabinet stood in pride of place against the wall opposite the fireplace. Granma took out the key and gave it to her great-granddaughter.

The little girl took the key with an expression of awe.

Granma nodded. “I know, I’ve never allowed you to open it before, but today you may,” she said.

The little girl held the key in both hands. Palms up, fingers outstretched, the key lying in the middle of her hands, she looked down at it and then back up to Granma’s face.

With the reverence the situation commanded, she turned slowly towards the cabinet, stretched up with the key poised before the keyhole for a moment and unlocked the cabinet doors.

Granma’s gem collection rested on a custom-made display lined with jet black velvet.

The little girl stood with her face close to the display, fingertips resting on the shelf on which they stood. “Tell me what they are, Granma,” she said in a whisper.

Granma reached over her great-granddaughter’s head and chose one at random. She never chose the same one first and the story she told about the first stone chosen was always the most detailed of the set.

“These are all uncut stones, I’ve told you this before, haven’t I?”

The little head beneath her arm nodded.

“This one is a ruby. Once cut, it shines a brilliant red, like a fire burns in the centre.” Granma handed the lump of rock to the little girl’s hand, outstretched and waiting to receive the stone.

“I can feel the fire inside it, Granma,” she said, turning it over in her hands, examining it like she’d never seen it before.

When the ruby nestled safely back in place, the next stone came out and the next and next. The same tones described each one and the tiny fingers and bright eyes examined each flaw.

“This is a sapphire, a pearl, a cat’s eye, topaz, amber and your favourite, the unpolished diamond. If you thought the ruby felt warm with the fire inside, I always think this stone feels cold, almost dead,” Granma said.

“Tell me about your favourite, Granma,” she said as the uncut diamond sat safely in its place once more.

“My favourite is this one, the emerald,” she said, taking out the stone. It was the only cut and polished stone in the whole collection.

“Tell me ALL about it, Granma,” the little girl said and settled down for the story.

“This one is my favourite, as you know. It is the only one your great-granpa cut and polished before he gave it to me and that is why it’s my favourite.” She didn’t hand the stone over to the little girl to hold and the girl didn’t hold out her hands in expectation. Granma never allowed her to hold this stone.

“That’s not the only reason it’s your favourite, is it?”

“No, you’re right. I think today is the day I’ll show you why.”

Granma took out a jeweller’s eyepiece and wedged it in her eye socket so she could study the stone’s clarity. Once satisfied, she handed the eyepiece to her great-granddaughter who put it into her own eye socket. Granma held the emerald steady so the girl could study it properly.

“I can see things moving on the stone,” she said in a breathless whisper. "What are they?”

"Great-granpa called them ‘humans’.”

Images from Pixabay

challenge30 for @dragosroua Link Here



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Very nice First one I have read..... I have a feeling I will be spending quite sometime on your blog in future.

LOL Thanks @themagus, if you start on the stories, make sure you get the very beginning ;)

I really like gem stones and crystals! they are so therapeutic!!! you can use them to rebalance chacras! and clean wifi and statics and dis regulated energies! remember the quartz watches they are kept under that frequency by the stones!

Thanks for commenting :)

Tell me more , in general ad in specific, about the wifi and static and energies , a link would do , if you have a post , but I like a substancial long and deep read :D

well let's see :) for now! here is one very interesting it's not mine but I gave some help in the comments! keep flowing! good luck!

Thanks , I'm not sure what I'm seeing there but it seems to do something :D balancing it seems.
That's the first thing I read from your "posts" and I see you've stopped creating content , maybe you would join te "challenge" !

I was thinking of joining , but I can't get to writing something much less find something that i can follow up on.

is balancing from discharging statics and other electric fields! steemit!

different forms of energy "chi"

some say cristals are thought of god cristalized! ones!

by the way do you know the wather cristal chi efects from emoto?

click into speaker
link to:
but I'm sure you will love this on full contest:

Upvoted and resteemed!!!!

Oh I like this too!

Cheers! It's got that something, hasn't it?

It does indeed, exactly what I like in a short! Leaves you wanting/asking questions

I was reading along thinking, "that's so sweet" - and then, BAM! You got me, lol!

Haha in a good way, I hope :)

Great story , well written , catchy , I'm just a bit flustered with the ending , its too short to be a real "inception" ending , thank you for trying to get people out of the box with their thinking , once again its very well written and gripping .

Thank you. Of all criticism I could receive, 'too short' is acceptable ;)

I get what you mean that this one has the feel about it. Very discriptive interaciton gently leading to a surprise ending. I put a copy on Diigo, but didn't make a mark on it. Thumbs up'd.

I love this story.

I love this story! A very Asimov ending :)

Thank you :) I've not read any Asimov that I remember... ;) But you never know, one may have slipped through and influenced me somehow :)