Five facts about me!
@apanamamama challenged me to share a bit about myself.
- I have been pursuing my wife since I was a 6th grade boy in husky stone washed bugle boy jeans! I achieved this lofty goal my junior year (1995)! We have been dancing in the mine fields together for the last 22 years! Persistence pays off!!

- I am a cancer survivor. At the age of seven I was diagnosed with a rare cancer of the reproductive system. We are not suppose to be able to have kids according to medical science but YHVH had other plans!
The doctors told me I would most likely not lead a normal life,
not be able to play or be outside,
not be able to play sports or participate in strenuous activities...

- I have a wide array of musical interests. Hardcore, rap core, hip hop, classical finger style guitar, zydeco, traditional folk and many others that I cant think of! As a musician , I can appreciate many expressions of music!

- I have been singing/performing since 4th (1987-ish) grade! I started learning the guitar in 10th grade (1993) and have been leading worship in some capacity since then. Guitar happened by accident really. A very talented friend of mine, Carl Richardson, tossed me a chord chart in class with the word "SKANK" written all over it. I was intrigued so I went home and told my dad I wanted to learn to play. He gave me this old nylon stringed classical guitar that had been under his bed 20 years. The rest is history. Shortly thereafter, I started leading worship in our youth group and at the christian club in our high school! That's probably how I landed fact #1! haha bonus fact I led corporate worship for few years at my church with a Lip ring!

- I was a power lifter for a few years in high school! I was so little, I had to binge eat the week before the lifting meet just so I could get to 110 lbs, the minimum qualifying weight! I never won any awards but learned a lot about discipline!
What about you? Tell me 5 facts about you and tag me in the post! I would love to hear them. If you want to do this challenge, consider yourself tagged!

I think I understand a little better why you see the two boys as the blessings you do. Children are always, always a blessing...but when you weren't "supposed" to have them, how much more?
Congratulations on the successful pursuing of your wife. It's good to be together!
Nice! I love the facts! I wish I had brought some old pics of my husband and me, but we left our old yearbooks in Texas! Too bad those things aren't online. Lol. My husband also likes (or has had) Demon Hunter CDs. So crazy that the doctors told you that you would never have kids or live a normal life! Glad they were proved wrong!
To be honest I have never been accused of being normal!! haha I just happened to fins some old pics a few years back and snapped some pics of them on my phone!
Ha @ mnmleger you big teddy bear cool in pursuing wifey back in 6th grade :) Love Post like this. To me this is what Steemit is all about. Interacting and getting to know people and also being entertained and getting introduced to new things and new people. My gosh why would I pay $12 to see an over produced Movie at the theater when I can come here and get entertainment for a fraction of the price ;)
So 5 things about me.
Grown and Raised in Deep South ( but have a lot of resentment towards the Trump lovers there)
Started my first business own ornamental sign business in 1998 and ran it by myself for 5 years
Got married at 39 had first kid at 41 and second at 42. Best thing ever happened to me :)
Been playing drums since I was 3 yrs. old
I hate 'judgy' people. Just love each other and quit the f@cking hate
Send that $12 to TEXAS!! haha Thanks for coming over and hangin out and sharing about yourself!!
Interesting and tells us a lot about you clearly your a very strong and driven person
thank you!
Your welcome but the thanks go to you for opening up inspires me to be more of an open book than I am ge