Among human beings there are many similarities, but also many differences, things that make us unique, however, there are beings with qualities, characteristics or features that distinguish them from others making them truly unique, then I will tell you some of them.
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There is a condition that causes the eyes to be of different colors, that is, one of a color and the other of another color, it is called Heterocromia Iridis.
One of the few people who has this condition is the actress Mila Kunis (bad mothers movie), imagine that only 6 people in a universe of 1,000, have this condition.

Another identifying feature is the one that has as examples Jhon Travolta and the singer Eminen. It is characterized by having a cleft in the chin, a condition that, inherited, usually manifests itself in European or Middle Eastern people.

The well-known Elizabeth Taylor possessed the condition that only a scant 5% of the people of the world possess it having double lashes, and it is called Distichiasis, besides it some dogs also have this characteristic. Interesting right?

Many times we come across some kind of condition as unique as the ones I mentioned and like the one I am doing now, however, we do not know that a scant percentage of only 8% in the world has blue eyes. If I miss true only 8%.
Not only that, but this genetic mutation dates from a few years ago, perhaps between 10,000 to 6,000 years ago. We already learned something new.

Additionally, I tell you that only 2 to 16% have natural blonde hair, the rest ...... it is only dyed or not completely blond ...
And speaking of hair who does not like red hair or red hair, I like it a lot, especially when I learn that only 2% of the world's population possesses this gift. Incredible true. ??

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