in #cervantes7 years ago

"A wolf who was hungry found a fat and healthy mastiff walking through the forest, attacking and eating it would have been the right thing for the wolf, but the reality is that it would have been a fierce fight with a good enemy. gifted.

The wolf approaches him to talk and praise how well he looked, to which the mastiff replied: You are not as well as me, because you do not want to, leave the forest and your friends. Follow me and you will have an excellent life.

And the wolf asked: And what will I have to do? Almost nothing, said the Dog: Attack who puts the master in danger; love the home owners, and always please them.

With something as simple as that which I tell you, you will have the leftovers of all the meals, bones of chickens, fresh meat, fruits and vegetables; and also love, as an extra element.

The wolf felt happy and full of joy.

As they walked towards the house of the master of the mastiff, the wolf realized that the dog had a bare neck. - What is that? I ask. Nothing. Like nothing! Nonsense. But something is, that peeling on the neck. It will be the sign of the necklace with which I am sometimes tied. Tied! exclaimed the wolf, You do not go where you want?, Not always, but that, what does it matter? It matters so much, that I do not want even the greatest of treasures for giving up my freedom.

He finished saying the wolf, and ran away, without looking back ... and still running. "3 lessons has this story:

The first: The most precious thing you have is your FREEDOM and you must fight to keep it, even if it costs.

The second: Freedom is the most exciting thing there is, and it is not changed by all the money in the world.

The third: It is better to work intelligently in freedom than the pleasure of slavery.

QUESTION: Do you want FREEDOM... or do you prefer years of slavery? Think about the answer for a moment.

-I will give you mine. Okay?
-My answer is blunt: FREEDOM
-Freedom to live the life I desire.
-Freedom to enjoy with my family.
-Freedom to enjoy myself.
-Freedom to travel.

This is the freedom that my good friend Javier Hernández is helping to build his students.

Freedom to do what they want, when they want, at the time they want, with whomever they want. How are they doing?