Cervantes Magazine Number 22
Today we live in a world surrounded by POST-TRUTH.
In the current times, thanks to technology and the immediacy of the internet, there is very little space to hide corruption or conspiracies. It is enough to know how to search.
But although there is no "where" there is a "how". The formula is to invade us with doubtful but emotive information, which moves us and at the same time it stops us at that fact.
Our informative world is filled with so much garbage that it is difficult to distinguish between reality, fantasy, pure lie or crime. This may be the reason why the elections in each country make us tremble; that candidate who, logically, we believe less likely given his extremism, takes control of the government.
An Example of this is Donald Trump, Sebastián Piñera, Mariano Rajoy, Mauricio Macri or the independence movement in Catalonia, to name a few.
While the traditional media bombard us with biased news to win views in a fierce competition, this generation of public figures creates its own "Neo Lenguaje" that affirms its post-truth. Thus the Spaniards knew the "finiquito en diferido" announced by the Popular Party, to hide the Retribution to Luis Barcenas in one of the biggest cases of corruption in this country.
In Chile there is talk of "adapted housing" when it refers to the "Horizontal Ghettos" built to collect high rents from immigrants arriving in the Latin American republic.
Thus, a victim is a "dignified", a theft of land a "recovery", a street child a "child of the fatherland", the market price an "unfair price", the devaluation of the currency an "exchange adjustment", inflation and scarcity a " economic war " and a stabbed prisoner a" private of freedom ".
And in the "neo-language" we find the PORNO-ECONOMY named in this way in economic forums, terms that try to hide facts or terms already well known by all. The examples of these terms are found in the newspapers of all countries. On June 9th, 2012, Spain asked for the rescue of its financial sector or "a loan under very favorable conditions", as the Minister of Economy insisted on calling it. It was two o'clock in the morning when the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published its assessment of the needs of the financial sector in banking.
On a Friday night, the European Central Bank (ECB), the European Commission (EC) and the IMF, decided that the Spanish banking system needed to be injected with money and, for this, they opened a credit line of 100,000 million euros, 10% of the GDP of this country, which could only be used to help banks. Even with all these antecedents the Spanish government insisted and insists that it was not a rescue, although that loan will be paid with taxes from taxpayers.
Underestimating the neo-lenguage or not adopting strategies to identify it and to deactivate it, is to contribute to its imposition in our society and make possible its disastrous consequences.
From Cervantes, where we believe in "Quixotic acts", today we take off the bandage to talk about the:

This week in the Sainetes section, we will talk about post-truth, which is the distortion of a fact in order to divert or mold a public opinion. One of the examples that can be given on post-truth is the Roswell case, the fall of a UFO in New Mexico (United States). Sure we don’t know what really happened, what we do know are the versions we were told, and what our Cervantes comment on this post-truth topic:
This need is what invites us to speak directly about Post-truth. Do you know what post-truth is? What is the most ridiculous news you have read? Do you have experience trying to differentiate both?
This week the subject is post-truth ... nice word, right? Yes, it is one of those neologisms that are invented to avoid using the word that really defines what is meant. In this case, post-truth would mean, at least, manipulation or propaganda and in many extremes, directly refers to lies with the appearance of truthfulness.
This morning, the President has appeared before the media to explain the new evidence of corruption brought by the judge.
Truth in other people's conceptions, we could find thousands of concepts or definitions about this and one of them tells us that it is to be certain of something or to assure that it is so. Focusing more on the artistic field, especially on historical paintings, we find that the truth is simply perception of being (similar to reality), or a personal perspective, that is, what is true for an individual is not the same for another.
At that time the Russians knew very little about the disappearances of their neighbors in strange circumstances. Something was happening, but the Government refused to admit or clarify the situation; the international community refused to believe, they were just road stories, gossip, fiction. A man was given the task of dissipating the fog with the cry of many witnesses in the form of a book, from the bowels of evil: The Gulag Archipelago, how did he do it?
Recently social media exploded due to an incendiary interview with the legendary producer Quincy Jones. I can get dozens of quotes from this interview, such as when he mentions that he knows who killed Kennedy, or that Marlon Brando had sexual adventures with many famous men, including comedy icon, Richard Pryor.
The similarity that exists between our iris, which has the pupil at its center, works as a communicator of the different parts located in the eye and allow us to have an immediate response to changes in light, shadows and other situations in the world around us. It dilates or contracts to get the right amount of light depending on the time and conditions.
Welcome steemers!
The acting work is a beautiful art to know. Who ever pretended to be a character in front of the mirror? Or who did not fake it true enough to believe it? With this premise in mind, I come to talk about The Truth in the Actor.
@minnowsupvote50y50 is a BOT that, unlike the others, works on the investments of the authors. The total of the profits is distributed 50/50 between the author who invests and the curators. I have invested 5 SBD in this post for example, that means, the first 50 people who vote for it will earn 1.5 SBD. Between 50 and 100 will earn 1 SBD and between 100 and 200 they will earn 0.7 SBD. (Vote quickly for this post before continuing reading)
Hello, Steemit community! With this title I want to emphasize that many times the origin of nations or governments that we know today is unknown because simply, at the time, the founding fathers omitted certain dubious or controversial situations to exercise their power and autonomy without question.
"the masses are deserving of absolute contempt, they are incapable of any abstract thought and are disinterested in everything outside the circle of their immediate experience"
(Aldous Huxley, Brave New World)
The way to fight the lies and face the post-truth is education, training and interest in the truth beyond our neighborhood.
Thank you for joining us while we take off the bandage
Thank you for being with us
Cervantes Magazine Team
@Enric68 (@senoralonchafina)
Chief Editor
interesting post
Excelente! La pura realidad...
great magazine i see....
nice creative writing....
This post about world technology such as lifereture,music,photography,threater,videogames etc.....nice informative post....
thanks @martin897
There are so many hidden agendas by those who are running the news that stories are made up to manipulate the people, and once a false story has been introduced it is so much easier to spin it further instead of telling the truth..a vicious circle instigated and cultivated by the ego..
We must be willing to learn and be vigilant in the face of the information placed before us. @alexaventuria
Saludos, que bunos POST
Y que buena iniciativa
Greetings, what bunos POST
And what a good initiative
Excellent post @cervantes. Thanks for sharing!.
we do not see everything, or we hear it is absolutely true