Cervantes Magazine: Happy 2018
The earth makes another turn around the sun and all over the world the streets are full of lights, colors, good wishes and traditions.
In Cervantes there is a lot of variety, in the same day at the same time, we talk, some with a hot coffee, others with a soft drink. It's the end of the year, whether summer, winter with (the traditional) grapes, lentils or hugs.
The end of 2017 has been marked with the rise of our SBD cryptocurrency and with it the arrival of new users attracted by the possibility of improving their lives a bit.
We welcome everyone who wants to be part of this project, we just recommend not forgetting that this is a Blockchain, base of a cryptocurrency. Learn well about how it works.
Due to the rise of the SBD, 2018 looks better, our projects grow as prospects grow, and the future production model is taking form. Something totally decentralized and specialized.
We can dream of not leaving our land or our families to look for work options, we can dream of choosing where to live, or even living while traveling and working at the same time. In the case of Steemit, by creating quality content.
It is time to start another lap around the sun together, this time a little more promising, where we will know other ways of living, of seeing, of creating every hour of the day.
That is why today the "Cervantes Magazine" team joins to wish you a
Happy 2018
This is a month that makes us think about our achievements and where we just want to be with our loved ones remembering beautiful moments and enjoying these times a lot.
Around this time it is very common to find one of the things that fascinates both grown ups and children, fireworks. Today I would like to talk about them, specifically one of their characteristics that strikes us the most: the different colors they make in the sky.
The end of the year arrives and Cervantes has grown. It is time to - and before the Earth returns to the Sun -, speak a little with Cervantes, that character who has returned to Steemit and our lives, forcing us to create, grow and produce different things that continually help us improve ourselves.
Christmas is a time of year that in Europe and America, for cultural and religious reasons, is celebrated with some intensity, we eat as if the world is going to end, we drink as if we want to forget something or to deal with that family member you can’t stand sober, and on television we are bombarded with unspeakable films, i say this with the hope of not being insulting and cause the closure of this section, or even the magazine...
Hello Steemit community! Keeping it with the Christmas theme, we must take advantage of one of the features that PC Gaming has, i’m talking about the crazy discounts offered by different platforms for games of all kinds, it’s a good way to purchase that desired PC game at an interesting price (These discounts are only valid for PC, at no point will i talk about games for consoles).
We, the newbies and experienced ones, wish you tons of inspiration to create original and quality content. The kind that we all want to read.
This one they call Fortuna is a drunk and capricious woman, and above all, blind, so she does not see what she does, nor does she know who she knocks down.
(Don Quixote, Cervantes)
Thank you for being with us
Cervantes Magazine Team:
Layout designer:
@Enric68 (@senoralonchafina)
That this new year, all our Projects with steemit are excencional
Excelente post ... Feliz Año a todos gracias por el apoyo...saludos.
Excelente post...Hermano
@Cervantes no deja de sorprender fabuloso estar al día con la información éxitos a todo el equipo de Cervantes Magazine
Nice Work @Cervantes!!!!
Feliz 2018 para todos donde quiera que se encuentren. Saludos everybody
sir it s a great post if you agree may be i reasteam your post
The new year started promising for all of us that put hearth and hard work in the STEEMIT project and we grown together. I discovered the platform about 3 weeks ago and I am only sad that I didn't find it earlier. The social place has given incentives through STEEM to get involved more and to create communities within communities. It's a great diversity and this is quite a blessing!

excellent summary and welcome to 2018, we wish successes for this new year and continue to grow users.
Such an amazing post!