feminism vs machismo

EXAMPLE: they say to the child "you do not clean, that for the girls" or he has to (have sex to many asses) excuse the expression but it is like this, the girls place them without even knowing to speak a car and a baby, (thing that It's not bad, but it's a mental program from a very early age). the man is taught life enjoys,
the girls are told, that they have to be virgins until marriage, which is not bad, but they take it to the extreme subjugating women.

In my small conclusion feminism is born of a high resentment of that exaggerated patriarchy that has hurt the hearts of women, in my opinion, both extremes are wrong, a consequence of the other. The man must understand that the woman is a companion,not a maintained, and many more expressions like that, that the woman must understand that it is not a battle and that there is no fight for that, because we are not the same, not even from the physical or the sentimental , everyone in their role is perfect, I AM A WOMAN AND NO MAN, MY PARTNER LOVES TO BE A MAN AND NOT A WOMAN, we complement each other perfectly and the virtues and skills are different, that is what really helps a strong family and children more psychological and sentimental mature.
Love to be a woman, Love to be a man and both respect and value the other and not allow to copy or be the other, each one is PERFECT IN YOUR ROLE.
IMAGE: https://www.rexpuestas.com/secciones/extendido/hombre-vs-mujer-quien-es-mejor/