
My first comment since HF20! Hell this is why we can't entice investors to come here. Its just another centralized project that claims it is not centralized.
But honestly Bernie this and the guy that is now #35 because he is "partners" with JB. Wow now he has two witness servers, WHAT? Is that cool for someone to have multiple witness servers?

Its the good old boy shit we deal with daily in our Fiat world, we all hoped to escape from here.

If it was not for the great friends I have made here there would be no reason to stay.

SMT... do you know of one company outside of steemit that is planing on having a SMT?
I have not heard of one real company outside of the steemit platform and if that is the case it will be a total waste of time. Its just a harebrained idea to sell more steem and I don't think it will work.

Another big problem is the powerdown and HF production testing. Until that is removed there will be no big push for investors to join this platform.

What intelligent savvy investor would invest in a company that will look up his capital for a week or even 13 weeks. Nevermind..........

Spot on. Steem will never draw those big investors @ned has always dreamed of for this exact reason. It's nothing but a fanboy club that @ned ensures will never change.

Why? Because he's scared and inexperienced.

I would upvote this reply but it would just get returned to the reward pool so if I remember in 15 minutes you will know I agree with you 100%

so if I remember in 15 minutes you will know I agree with you 100%

The most counterintuitive and inefficient mechanic possible. FFS.

I thought it was only for self upvotes?

Posted using Partiko iOS

No, it's for all votes. So unless you want some of your voting power going to waste, wait until comments/posts are 15 minutes old.

The voting window only applies to 25% curation rewards. If it is not functioning correctly than there is another bug in the code.

Look Under Curation Updates here for the information:

Yes, that's correct. You still waste a lot of voting power if you vote on posts/comments during the first few minutes after it was published.

When the original post came out I thought it was all votes before 15 minutes. But many said it was just for the self vote.
Here is @themarkymarks take on it. here

I believe they changed it to prevent people from using large upvotes to get the curation for themselves. It didn't matter whether they were self-upvoting or using bots to do it. The author was able to manipulate it so that they got the curation. Now it's burned. It seems it would make more sense to just get rid of this time limit. A vote should just be a the same no matter when it's cast. But then I also don't know why they get burned when voting on a post more than 7 days old.

Its a penalty portion of your curation rewards that get returned to the reward pool not the vote given to the author.

We will all have to wait 5 to 7 days to know what they really did?
I think the jury is out for now because how can we accept anything but the facts after it happens?

True dat!

This will better serve the original mission of the curation rewards budget: to ensure that the Steem blockchain distributes rewards to the most valuable content.

Do you believe that crap?

No the rewards go to whovever the richest steemians want the rewards to go to and none of them are reading your posts.

LOL! No! Just reporting on the mechanics.

Absolutely agree, This is becoming nothing more than a Steemit Masonic Lodge. As for Bernies original question, no idea who almost any of the top 20 are. They just cream it in and have zero engagement.

Posted using Partiko Android This one will give you the full list of witnesses. What they are running, links to their witness profile and much more.
This one will tell you who votes for them.

SMT... do you know of one company outside of steemit that is planing on having a SMT?

@appics - they did an ICO to launch a SMT based app. Not sure whether they are still going with SMT. I am not able to find anything on SMT in their site now

That is someone who has been on steemit since July 2017. And they just started the app recently.
I am talking about a real world profitable company not a start up or a new company trying to fund itself.
Most people don't realize that Tesla for example is not a profitable company. If it were not for stupid investors they would have collapsed many moons ago. The cars are cool and the ideas are awesome but its not a profitable business. Take away taxpayer funds its even worse.

All the pie in the sky bull is just pie in the sky bull. There is really nothing new under the sun!

I agree - basically there seems to be no one with a healthy P&L or for that matter even a P&L

Pies & Lemonade? :P

i think they are still going ahead with their SMT - i just saw an update post this morning actually. i'm very excited for their project! i think it has great potential. also following you @bobinson- i like your passion & honesty and i hope some of your ideas can be put to good use!


Let's be a little more specific please. I make about 40 bucks a month after dual server expenses and 3 team mates also making about 40 each. We power it up in the witness to further the witness unless we agree one of us needs some more ramen now and then.

What do we collectively do?

Insert 100 highly visible bullet points here. But how would you know? We can't afford to trend like vaporware, slave labor built card games from asshats who can't even spell the word "contribute."

Wait...we make money?

Yah, I've been living with no indoor plumbing for three years except water from a hose and one faucet. I'm headed into my third Appalachian winter without sufficient heat. I've been supporting a 501c3 charity with every penny I earn because the community local to me is one of the poorest in North America. I drive a 20-year old vehicle with farm tags because I can't afford the repairs that would get it past inspection. And I can't remember the last time I bought fresh groceries and not something to microwave from Dollar General.

Yet I've made a bigger impact on my real world community and the Steem community than most users ever will. I've applied proof of brain to everything I do and the results show. My team and I have proposed a way to bring more mainstream attention and investment to the blockchain than most well-funded projects I see here, and we're moving forward with these plans despite lack of stakeholder support. I'm not complaining. I'm simply pointing out the disparity between quite a few top-ranking witnesses and the amount of work going unnoticed in the trenches. @noblewitness stays busy. We're proud of what we do for blockchain communities. But damn--ramen does get old after a while.

Just added @noblewitness to my witness list. Thanks for doing all the hard work for us.

It's for sure we aren't the only folks around here who work hard. But I will say this much: your vote is deeply appreciated. Thank you so much for trusting us. :-)

Thanks @steemitqa, but I'm still gonna beat you up after school if you keep trying to steal @banjo's love away from me.

I would like to put myself out there as an alternative to some of the top witnesses. I'm engaged in the community, I have a competent team, and I'm in the process of building a website for sports and gaming where actual cryptocurrency commerce can take place.

Anyone can read my latest commentary from @ats-witness - or check out the comments from the account you see right now.

I vote for @berniesanders as a witness too - not because I necessarily agree with everything he says or does, but because he is one of few voices on this platform that bluntly questions the status quo... and he has been more than generous with his stake since 2016. Don't let the words on Steemit fool you. He's actually like a big cuddly teddy bear!

You know, I think it's time I redressed our grievances. Stand by, a couple days ago, a traitor named @ Jerry @jrswab banfield opened up a hole when I learned of his greed anyway.

While I'm at it, you too @nextgencrypto, I used to vote ya, but you did some wacky shit, but David isn't wrong. You have the clout and the right questions every time. So principles it is, I just hope you can code if you top 20 or people will wanna see you hang. Not my circus, not my monkeys. I know I can code. :)

Anyway, common beliefs, common leafs, and shared enemies makes you an ally, whether you return the favor to @noblewitness the "no bull" witness or not. And that goes for both you and @ats-david

...I just hope you can code if you top 20...

I believe he has a more than competent team capable of writing code for both on and off-chain projects, as far as I can tell.

I am not a developer but that doesn't mean I can't get shit done, @sircork.

What fun is life without some "wacky shit"? I take that as a compliment, so, thank you.

That's why I didn't call it "bad shit" - just wacky. And honestly I continue to contend and often cite that you are the greatest showman on the chain. It wasn't an insult, and I chose the word carefully. Surely you recall being an adolescent on the platform. The other kids will shun you on the playground and bully you if you hang out with the wrong kids. I'm grown up now. I don't have to listen to 'em anymore just to avoid certain obscurity and death before I even got started.

@ats-david and @sircork i always enjoy seeing you guys in the dicusions. While you may not see eye to eye i believe that a good thing for the top 20. @berniesanders already has my vote and i will be adding you guys to my short list. Thank you for having steemits best interest at heart and not just your wallets. I responded directly to @neds post with my concerns about @freedom who is also @pumpkin that bernie writes about here. A lot of the top 20 would not be there without his MASSIVE vote. Maybe witness votes should be revamped so that you have to be an active user in a certain time frame. We can not continue to let the dead vote. What are we Democrats?

I ain't no f'n democrat, I voted for the weed dude. (Gary J, he may bumble, he may mumble, but dude is my cannabis cup choice)

I've enjoyed reading you too, since becoming aware of you. Your remarks on the post yesterday are comedy gold and real proof of brain.

Thanks for the short listing! Much appreciated, we won't let you down.

Very nice. I still have my yard sign hung up proudly in the garage. Putting someone in jail over a plant is madness.20180929_133349.jpg

Dude. My brotha. I don't know how to tell you this...

your house is sideways, man!

Maybe witness votes should be revamped so that you have to be an active user in a certain time frame. We can not continue to let the dead vote

My feeling is that a better incremental step more likely to find consensus would be releasing the votes of inactive witnesses. Maybe after one month of inactivity?

This would free up votes from inactive users over time as well.

I didn't say he could or couldn't. I do know from the rumor mills and virtue signalling posts, that self established vigilante posse's are forming around the rumor mills that suggest much witch hunting is going to start happening. I can't say it's entirely a bad idea, I just don't think all of them are going to be qualified for the job they are taking on either.

Dear Bernie, we need your help! Thousand of planctons are effected by new HF20 and it seems Steemit is becoming an exclusive club! One whale commented on my post say to stop to rape Steemit with begging upvote and start to power up at list 100 SP to be an active member of this exclusive community. WTF!!

And here you are begging? I don't think this comment is going to work out like you expect.

No my friend, i do not need to beg anything, expecially from you!

It's a capital 'I' for personal pronouns.


plankton (no 's' on the word, spelled correctly or not.)

saying to stop

begging for upvotes

But you want to get paid for writing here?

Hey my friend, did i commented your post? So WTF do you want from me? Bernie is a guru for us and we follow him, so if you have nothing to do, go to do it somewhere else...

Well, you do sound like someone who does need help. Hope that works out for you.

I do not need any help, just i like how Bernie is acting for Steemit goodness and this HF20 in my opinion is a bullish thing against planctons, thats why i like to inform him...

HF20 didn't change so much, there were bandwidth problems for small users before too.

Posted using Partiko Android

Check out the following link please. Maybe his note was harsh but the comment he's referring to is even harsher in my eyes.

The comment isn't wrong. This is not a free money atm, it's dPOS block chain, and an opportunity unavailable this accessible, anywhere else on earth, to build a personal business, be it blogging, dapp, streaming, etc. This kind of complaint is the same as somebody walking into new york city with no skills and expecting a free business to be opened to them, handed to them and pay them, and it betrays a complete lack of understanding about this system, markets and business in general, here and in the real world.

And it gets tiresome. I've seen this guys blog, it's not worth reading even if it was free, no one would ever PAY to consume that "product". But, hey, he's upset cause he isn't getting free money.

It's a reward pool, not a socialist handout. People who don't understand basic business and market principles will be the loudest complaints here.

Go look at his crap, and tell me how much YOU would pay for it in a bookstore or magazine rack.

Yeah, thought so.

Successful people will be successful here or on the web at large or in the world, and those that can't, won't be anywhere.

Modern media are about distraction that's why Youtube channels like PewDiePie (spelled right?) work. There's similar accounts on Steemit. (Of course there are.)
*Speak freely and you will find (someone's) ears* has always been the slogan. Steemit wasn't different in that point.

This kind of complaint is the same as somebody walking into new york city with no skills and expecting a free business to be opened to them, handed to them and pay them, and it betrays a complete lack of understanding about this system, markets and business in general, here and in the real world.

At any (!) time of mankind society had to face the existence of such people. And at any time some of those people have found their living and some have not. You can find examples on Steemit also. (I won't give any names since I don't want to be targeted.)
Each economy has to deal with lesser-qualified people. And even though people are reserved about each other, no society has died from feeding some of the less wealthy. Therefore I don't see why I should join you in your disconcertment.

You realize, that among other things you are speaking to the founder of the largest and most accomplished humanitarian aid foundation on any block chain known so far? (The @YouAreHOPE Foundation, turning one year old in two weeks)

We've aided thousands of desperate humans in tragic conditions across several continents and a dozen countries...

So yes, aiding the unfortunate is kinda something I have a firm handle on, thanks.

This guy has an internet connection. He just rose to a slim percentage of the world in wealth and opportunity. His inability to use it, and understand how to succeed here, would be true for him anywhere.

Congrats on the jubilee.
No, of course I did not do research on your person, did you do some on mine? I'm doing the on-site work for people like you.

Yes, I tend to do that when engaging with new conversants I've not conversed with before. I've also seen you around other threads as I pass around the platform keeping ears and eyes on as much as I can every day.

I look at blog content, profile info and wallets, as any wise person would do when engaging with someone on this platform.

Auch, Ich sprechen einen bisschen Deutsch, auf hoch schule, aber nicht wiehle aber gut.

So yeah, I do pay attention. It's part of what I consider best practices when using this platform.

Dear @sircork, you are of course a superuser and a member of Steemit Elite, but here we are not talking about business, we are talking about to be free to make comments and interact with people. I learned a lot interacting with people, but why this should be a business? Maybe upvote it could be, but comment should be free, not limited, this is just my opinion and do not worry, my opinon soon will disappear because my RC is going down dramatically, so i will not be able to comment and make my socialism opinion, thanks to this capitalism decision.

Not quite sure how you define "super user" but I did arrive here penniless, and over the course of 17 months, proceeding to use proof of brain to accomplish earning thousands of steem, using them to travel the world to meet steemians in half a dozen countries and bought and equipped a house with the earnings. I never deposited more than a total of $500 about a year and a half ago and having used the earnings for charity and travel and improving my life, Im back down to about 600 steem.

Ive taught and mentored thousands of users who were willing to assume responsibility for themselves with a little coaching.

THEY never once complained, be they from Venezuela, or Nigeria or Bangladesh or Indonesia or other impoverished conditions. They applied themselves and did intelligent things and are doing quite well, regardless of the changes to the system along the way.

There are two kinds of people. Those that understand how to succeed anywhere, and those like you, begging for someone to do it for them.

Not impressed with any of your "arguments" as they speak volumes about your ability to succeed on your own.

lol now this time you're really barking up the wrong tree :D

Yeah, we'll see if Coindesk feels like writing about it... Maybe then something will get done. I don't think @ned wants everyone to realize what a centralized piece of shit this really is.

And honestly, it's pretty sad you don't give a shit about it.

probably why he hasn't focused on marketing.

What actions must be taken in order to put us on the right path?

A witness voting system that isn't controlled by a single, inactive and malicious user.

how do we get the single, inactive, malicious user to relinquish their power?

Impossible, will never happen.

so, unless they die.... we are at their "mercy"?

That is an awful thought. If freedom becomes incapacitated in any way, the votes can remain stuck forever.

We will always be at their mercy, even after death, unless all coins are sold. The votes will always have their impact unless they are removed.

If they die, then those top witness positions will be even more entrenched, since those votes will never decay. And this is precisely why we need decaying votes.

I missed you my favorite Tomato🍅😘i_love_you__tomato_by_kuriketto_chan-d391irw.png

Here is a little visual aid of what @pumpkin/ @freedom vote looks like. It is the fat ass dark blue line.

Now that's a vote!

It's possible to get to the top without pumpkin. And by now we all know that pumpkin gives out votes for arbitrary reasons, not technical excellence or contribution.

I proposed a redistribution curve for witness payouts and also wrote a spec for witness vote decay months ago which @ned told me personally was a good idea, but which has never seen the light of day in terms of functionality.

The pumpkin/freedom issue is absolutely 'the turd in the punchbowl' of steem - more transparency is needed.

The pumpkin/freedom issue is absolutely 'the turd in the punchbowl' of steem - more transparency is needed.

lol thank you for this ... i mean not thank you about the situation, but thanks for the surprising chuckle/gasp it brought forth from me :)

hehe :)
synchronistically, i just posted about this topic. i made a graphic to show witness rankings with and without pumpkin. the difference is not actually so huge in terms of the end result, except that it is obviously much easier for healthy competition to be supported without pumpkin's input!

awesome! i'll check it out...

The witnesses who could actually affect change and fix the witness voting system have NO reason to do so because THEY ARE THE ONES PROFITING FROM THE POORLY BUILT SYSTEM.

and this is the inherent conflict of interest that fucks it all.