"Titus Frost" Livestream Permanently Suspended for "Bullying" & A George Soros Petition

in #censorship7 years ago

"Titus Frost" Livestream Permanently Suspended for "Bullying" & A George Soros Petition

Video Summary:

This is a video about YouTube hit my YouTube with a strike today for "bullying", and has removed my ability to livestream permanently. The censorship on Google / YouTube has hit a new all time high. Please support alternatives like @steemit, @dtube, @bitchute and vid.me.

Enjoy My YouTube Video:

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Alternate Platforms:

  1. @BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Titus_Frost/
  2. Vid.Me: https://vid.me/HJ4FF
  3. Original LiveStream on "Lulz Machine" Channel: https://youtu.be/_MaSwI7v-7E

What YouTube CensorShip Looks Like:

My Account is Permanently Disabled from Live Streaming:

Thanks for watching everyone. To see the video that caused my channel a strike and to be permanently removed from live streaming so far as I can tell. Go watch it on these other platforms:

  1. DTube: https://dtube.video/#!/v/titusfrost/ut8w0if0
  2. BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uh9kDvWY_60/
  3. Vid.me: https://vid.me/eeXll
  4. Steemit: https://steemit.com/charlottesville/@titusfrost/charlottesville-staged-event-ethereum-nwo-coin-bezo-s-dc-mansion-house-of-horrors

Petition to Label George Soros a Terrorist:

George Soros is a terrorist petition: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/declare-george-soros-terrorist-and-seize-all-his-related-organizations-assets-under-rico-and-ndaa-law

My Back Up Channel: "Lulz Machine" now is my live streaming channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN6AnBrQW8PUASrSKeQD1zQ

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Don't forget to follow me @TitusFrost for more of my work coming in the near future...

You can also connect with me on:

  1. My Patreon
  2. Titus Frost YouTube
  3. Lulz Machine YouTube
  4. Twitter: @ImperatorTruth (When I am not suspended)
  5. FedBook: "The Lost Truth"
  6. Minds.com: "TitusFrost"
  7. My Vid.Me Channel
  8. My Published Book: "The Lost Truth"
  9. Gab.ai: TitusFrost
  10. BitChute
  11. Check out my book on OpenLibrary
  12. Read my Book The Lost Truth for Free online
  13. DTube Channel: https://dtube.video/c/titusfrost

How is labeling George Soros a terrorist bullying and Antifa running around destroying property and beating people up ok??? Scumbags!!!

It's a definite purge of "wrong think" using whatever TOS violations they can conjure up. Seeing what videos remain on YouTube unharrassed proves this has zippy to do with "bullying". Poor Georgie.

Why United Kingdom Should Be Devolved.

There is no Great in Britain, just like there's nothing good about the BBC, the British Broadcasting Channel, both have been used by the Rothschild's to spread evil, using Communism, throughout this world. Both the British government and the BBC are completely controlled by the Rothschild's, making this country a complete Communist dictatorship and the average Brit is so clueless they have absolutely no idea what's going on. The Rothschild's are Jewish supremacists who follow the Talmud which preaches hatred of non-Jews and pedophilia, and the City Of London Is hiding mass elite pedophilia, Jimmy Savile and Edward Heath are just the tip of the iceberg, what goes on within London is literally like something out of a horror movie.
I grew up in Britain and always thought it was a Great country, I believed we were the good guys in World War II, when all our soldiers were used as pawns by an evil banking cartel who are only interested in power. These same evil satanic Talmudic Jews have poisoned not only this country but most of the world.

Great Britain Communist.jpeg

About two and a half years ago during the Ukraine crisis, I realized that there was something terribly wrong with this world but I didn't know what it was or why things were happening. This is when I started to think for myself and went on a journey to find the truth of what was going on. I soon came across alternative media, I was very lucky to find the X22 Report and Dave's show. I started to listen to the show very often and then on a regular basis. I realized very quickly that how he broke down what was happening in the financial economy and what was going on geo-politically was very accurate. It soon became apparent that the bankers were in control and that the CIA, NATO, Mossad and Israel were all Involved in pushing war throughout the world and taking over country after country, stealing the resources and installing a Rothschild central bank.
In America false flag after false flag were being carried out, In a deliberate attempt to bring in more and more gun laws, with the obvious agenda of taking the Americans guns.

The Rothschilds and the Jesuits (Vatican) are the two main players and It is quite well known now that there is something very demonic with the belief system and the Freemasons occult systems they have pushed throughout the world. The Cabal who have caused both World Wars and through American Banks and companies have funded and armed both sides. In the evil Talmudic belief system they follow all non-jews are Goyim, so if we all kill each other in war, whether we be British or German they don't care, that's what they want, death, destruction and bloodshed all over the Earth, they see this as a ritual sacrifice to their Gods. Whether it be the Bolshevik revolution to create the Soviet Union or pushing their evil communism all over Europe after World War I, up to this very day these Zionists have been carrying out a continual plan of taking down country after country and massacring people in the process. They have used their Jewish owned main stream media and Hollywood to brainwash everyone In to believing whatever they wanted and they have used MK Ultra to control people, this Is how they control the NASA astro-nauts, Disney celebrities etc. Most of what we are taught in education, history the media is just Indoctrination and the system is set up heavily compartmentalized, so people only are taught what they need to know to work in the economy. This is their primary way they have maintained secrecy, the heavy compartmentalization of the Information. This is also the reason many have now awaken to this huge lie system we live in, through the Internet which is a world wide web set-up by DARPA to control everyone. But this Internet system has allowed a free flow of information that was much easier for them to control before.


In July 2016 we has the Brexit vote and I had known for over a year earlier that I would vote for Brexit, we must get the evil Communism out of our country and all Jews who worship the Talmud. This is precisely what Hitler did he pushed out this evil that had infiltrated his country, he shut down all the Secret Societies and Occult Lodges and locked them up, he chose freedom and took on the bankers. This is why he is the most vilified man in history, he stood up to evil. Before he Invaded Poland In 1939 to liberate the ethnic German people, the Cabal had ordered the Polish to slaughter ethnic Germans. This occurred In many other places and when the allies and Soviets took Berlin in 1945, there was a genocide and the slaughter of the German people. This is something United States General George S Patton, refused to have any part In, for this he was demoted and only months later he was assassinated by the OSS, which Is now the CIA.

Ever since World War II the world including the German people have been told complete lies about these events, all the allies and soviets atrocities have been covered up and the Holocaust and gas chambers is a lie, created to demonize and destroy the common people. This is an ongoing process and the migrants which have been deliberately brought in to Europe via multiple methods, Invited on mass in to Germany by Communist puppet Merkel to finally bring down Germany to a complete totalitarian dictatorship. The Rothschild's and the Cabal use democracy as a pretext to eventually bring in Communism.
Whenever you see the word Union, whether it be Soviet Union, European Union, Trade Union or United Kingdom, which Is a Union, you are looking at collectivism a term used In Communism, this is Communism.
This is why the United Kingdom needs to be devolved into England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland all with separate social structures with a Constitution or a system based on Natural Law. We all need to wake up to this evil control system and choose true freedom, Individually and as a people.

This is what you get for speaking truth... We'll keep supporting you @titusfrost !

When will steepshot get a proper frame fit for images?

I have no idea what you are talking about?

Absolutely deplorable behaviour. Sorry that happened to you :(

I'm glad that you're using DTube though!

Thanks for the kind comment, yeah the powers that should not be are all in cahoots with one another and this is just more of them protecting their own.

Hey Titus, you should also check out Yours.org and LBRY.io

Not sure if they let it live stream there, but the videos for sure work.

Hey @truthforce, thanks for the info I will give them a look. It is always best to jump onto platforms early and if they fail all you have lost is time. However the ability to reach new audiences is all we are here to do. The more people we can expose to the truth the better. Peace.

Wow, this is what fascism looks like, straight up. These are scary times we are living in.

Exactly, scroogle is shooting itself in the foot every time they delete a video, soon it will all come to an end when people realize how censored the platform Youtube has become.

well that is why youtube is no longer a loved platform you just can't express yourself there :(

Yeah, from the moment I started making videos I have been hit with ridiculous copyright claims, then they attacked me for "bullying" when I wouldn't stop making videos, it is quite ridiculous.