It's Time to De-Platform the Platforms

in #censorship6 years ago (edited)

Alex Jones banned from Facebook, Apple, Youtube, Spotify, Pinterest, even Linkdin – all in a few hours. Twitter followed up by banning:

Scott Horton - Editorial Director of
Daniel McAdams - Director of the Ron Paul Institute.
Peter Van Buren – Former State Department employee who blogs about Middle Eastern affairs.

These of course following the suspension of Candace Owens (Communications director for Turning Point USA) after she copied one of Sarah Jeong’s infamous racist tweets and substituted the word “Jewish” for “white” – and explicitly stated she was doing so.


And let’s not forget previous notable bans by these platforms against groups such as Britain First and activists like Milo Yiannopoulos or Tommy Robinson. Meanwhile left wingers can call for a genocide on white people (Sarah Jeong) or joke about raping children (James Gunn) with impunity.

Despite Big Tech’s claims to the contrary, the list of right wing figureheads & groups being banned or arbitrarily suspended for extended periods of time is quite lengthy. 5 minutes on DuckDuckGo (I haven’t used Google in months, recommend you do the same) will reveal a plethora of conservatives who have been kicked off of social media for ridiculously benign things.

Leftist are claiming that these platforms are private companies who can provide service to whomever they please (somehow this argument was lost on them when it involved cakes, but I digress) and they are generally correct. Arguments could be made that Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc, have risen to the level of a “public utility” or “common carrier” much like a phone or electrical service provider as they essentially hold monopolies on their respective industries – but this has yet to cross any legislative desks so it’s not worth delving into at this point… perhaps another blog down the road.

Suffice it to say, after recent events anyone who would claim that the giants of social media are NOT actively censoring right wing content while letting left wing lunacy run wild is either naïve of current events or flat out lying. Alex Jones, while fringe right, has been the most prominent thus far – and he will not be the last, mark my words. If left unchallenged they will continuously move closer to center, and ultimately left, until a narrative they agree with is the only one allowed.

Big Tech may not be required to oblige the First Amendment but that doesn’t make them any less a traitor to it. The Bill Of Rights established the foundation of this great nation that has seen them thrive and they are returning the favor by using their power and influence to piss all over its very first precept.

Fortunately we are not required to abide betrayals of American values by private industry. We can relay that this is unacceptable by dropping their products & services and moving to a competitor who cherishes and respects the rights of a free people. Facebook and Twitter growth have already stagnated, let’s throw it in reverse. Urge your friends and family to join Steemit, Minds, or Gab. Tell them to upload their video clips to Dtube and use DuckDuckGo as their search engine.

Hit Big Tech where it hurts: Revenue.