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RE: Why Steemit Lost My Trust

in #censorship8 years ago

there are people who are on the Pedophile pay roll of the three letter organizations and they are recruited right from colleges and universities to spend their entire career infiltrating places like this so they can destabilize and separate us in our disclosures of the REAL TRUTH. I am all on your side Gizmosia! While the Satanic Ritual Pizzagate Pedophiles think they can hide under our noses once again and return to business as Usual, This is no longer a possibility because there are human conscious beings who are not going to allow this to occur. So while the Trolls may persuade some un informed people...the majority of us are awakened and will not forget....we are taking back our power and our lives and our freedoms to live in a loving and trustworthy world. The power of our hearts will turn this ugliness into a safe haven for us all! Steemit please fix this so called bug and lets get on with our freedoms to express and awaken the programmed masses so we all can make honest well informed choices as to how we share this life together!


YES! The sentiments of everyone but the abusers, enablers and sick fucks that try to divert and distract

@steemitguide, @the.masses, @truthdetector, fucking fakes ass people pretending to be something other than PEDOPHILES and PEDOPHILE SUPPORTERS!

Thanks @namastaynpaint - well said. And just so you know, it was revealed by @pfunk today that @the.masses is a shared posting key used by some creepy group. It's not a person. We don't know who they are....