YouTube banning all gun videos in latest censorship assault on liberty… but a new video site welcoming gun videos launches soon

in #censorship7 years ago


(Natural News) In the latest bombshell censorship attack on both the First and Second Amendment, YouTube announced a policy change today that will quickly lead to a complete banning of all gun videos, including movie trailers and video games that depict the use of firearms.

As Bloomberg reports, this is all being framed by YouTube as a way to prohibit the “sales” of guns:

YouTube will ban videos that promote or link to websites selling firearms and accessories… Additionally, YouTube said it will prohibit videos with instructions on how to assemble firearms.

But it is widely understood that YouTube’s policy shift will rapidly expand to encompass more than just “demo” videos. As the National Shooting Sports Foundation has now stated, “YouTube’s announcement this week of a new firearms content policy is troubling. We suspect it will be interpreted to block much more content than the stated goal of firearms and certain accessory sales. Especially worrisome is the potential for blocking educational content that serves an instructional and skill-building purpose. YouTube’s policy announcement has also served to invite political activists to flood their review staff with complaints about any video to which they may proffer manufactured outrage.”

“The unprecedented decision is a major move against free speech,” writes Jamie White for InfoWars. “…[T]here are thousands of gun channels on YouTube who didn’t receive any warning of the upcoming transition.”’s AWR Hawkins explained further, “YouTube is entering the gun control debate with a new ban on videos which demo firearms or link to websites selling firearms or firearm accessories.”

In just the last two weeks, YouTube has outright terminated thousands of content accounts, including my own channel (“The Health Ranger”) and the ever-popular Military Arms Channel, which reviewed firearms with a high degree of intelligence and experience.

With this latest assault on firearms-related videos, Google/Alphabet/YouTube once again demonstrates that it is the enemy of both the First and Second Amendments that protect individual liberty from authoritarianism.

A new video site rises up, welcoming firearms videos:

Now, more than ever, the need for a pro-liberty, free speech video site is more urgent than ever. We’ve got precisely such a project already in development:

The site welcomes guns and firearms instructional videos as well as content supporting food freedom, health freedom and independent science. I can now reveal that this site will be going live on or before July 4th, Independence Day. People and organizations interested in posting video content to the free speech community can request an invitation on the home page right now.

The site does not pay content creators for video views. Instead, we focus on protecting the free speech platform and preserving the video knowledge base for humanity that YouTube is now systematically eliminating from its own anti-America, anti-freedom network run by truly evil techno-tyrants.

To pay for all the hosting, bandwidth, maintenance and support, we plan to run a 5-second pre-roll ad in front of each video. Content creators are encouraged to incorporate their own sponsors in their videos, and yes, we absolutely support videos that are sponsored by firearms and ammunition companies, along with accessories, holsters and other types of weapons, including edged weapons and bows.

At, we believe the Second Amendment is a sacred right, and we stand with all those who seek a pro-liberty platform to share instructional and tactical videos on firearms, reloading, self-defense and military.

We support veterans, active duty soldiers, local law enforcement and making America great again. We strongly encourage everyone who supports liberty to stop using Google, YouTube and Facebook and seek alternatives that support your liberties, your freedom to speak and your sacred right to defend your life, family, property and country.

Register now at and check back on this website for more updates as we approaching the launch.


That's fucking ridiculous. Let's ban kitchen knives, they can kill, too. Damn idiots.

Just use for censorship resistant video sharing

Yes! I've been looking to help get the word out to but 2A (2nd Amendment) and Cryptocurrency peopleas YouTube is starting to ban things in that world also.

Excellent video, youtube has come out of the closet as a tool of the state. You always tell it straight and everything you've said makes me think that government has no useful purpose. It's past time for a different construct, one based on non-aggression.

Everything is weaponized against us, with friends like that, who needs government.

"Whoever controls the media, controls the mind. ~ Jim Morrison

Spread the word...

I'm on my second listening to it, it's a meme paradise. I also have it on my website slide #6

[email protected] Anyone. Anytime. Let's discuss how we can spread it across the nation even faster than it's happening now. We need to brainstorm.

Nice to see you here at Steemit - I appreciate your work and dedication to the truth and to our health. Momz

We as a society are a bunch of pussies. Shut off your TV. It is messing with your head. People don't really think like this without instructions.

stop this censorship. force YouTube into administration. restructure the entire organisation for the youtubers. not the minority. it's time to fight back.

The @funbobby51 problem with Dtube is that it takes away % of your profits, but Youtube is free.

What nonsense that they do that, I agree with @nameless-berk soon will not be able to make grill videos in the yard because we use knives.

I read YouTube's policy, and I don't think it will affect video games at all, HOWEVER, Germany and other places have Gewaltverherrlichung and Strafgesetzbuch laws that prohibit glorification of violence, and it does outlaw most of the people shooting games.

Hickok45 on

There is already a functioning website for guns that is very popular: Many of the big channels on YouTube that deal with guns are already on Full30.