
this is just a UI bug -- you can't find any tags that aren't in the top 25 right now -- thanks for your patience

Well @Ned since you are actually answering questions regarding this topic.

What do you think of this scandal #PizzaGate, do you agree with the larger platforms like YouTube and Facebook that it is fake news? Or do you think the evidence provided by many people including a large number of steemians holds some weight and should be investigated?

I have always wondered your thoughts on this because so far as I know you do not up-vote these PizzaGate posts nor do you flag them. So are you neutral on this topic or do you favor one side or the other? Have you seen the work by @AusbitBank, myself and others on this topic?

Where is the TOPIC? I never said TAGS.

I promoted a pizza post that gets zero attention because the damn TOPIC is no longer around!

@ned is it perhaps a a JAMES ALEFANTIS REQUEST bug??

very convenient answer!

I was wondering if you had any idea what caused that? Could it be the 5 tag bug? I cannot see other tags being affected.

haha, good point @baah. I call it the "James Alefantis whatever you want sir" bug!