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RE: In A Corporatist System Of Government, Corporate Censorship Is State Censorship

in #censorship6 years ago

I guess what I am tying to convey is that the times have changed. The last I saw it was low 20’s for Republican membership, low 30’s for Democrats and High 40’s for independents.

The people being labeled “right-wingers” are not the same people who were labeled “right-wingers” just say 20 years ago.

Yes there is that religious Christian segment for whom abortion is a main topic of contention. These people by and large though do not worry about the, “sociopathic, ecocidal, omnicidal oligarchs” They have been waiting even hoping for “Armageddon” for a long time so Jesus can carry them off.

When you say “right-winger” I think the real issue is that, you take in a large chunk of the 40+ % of Independents. Many of those like me may have no Religions affiliation or it is not as prominent.

Many of the issues we espouse can overlap with those of yours. I used to celebrate Cindy Sheehan as did many on alternative sites.

What is it then that defines this wing of the right wing? I believe many are pro 2nd amend., I believe many see the extreme left to be full on insanity, hypocrisy, hate, manipulation and basically asall round worthless as the religious right seems to be.

Define the issues that you feel important to the alternative media of which you are a part. I believe you will see you have more in common with those in the middle many of whom you may classify as “|right wing”

In short you need to redefine what a “liberal” stands for or join us here in the middle

For those out there who believe that in a world populated by billions of the most dangerous predators know to man, humans. On a planet with a history of perpetual war and genocide. Where governments abuse power often with horrific results about which they blog and lament endlessly, why; here’s the kicker, why we should seek to disarm the public as a first order of priority. Please just tell me why?