Gizmo.. The site is open source, nobody is trying to stop pizzagate but if its not trending it wont show. I think your misunderstanding and/or starting drama over nothing. Insulting the site management really wont help
Gizmo.. The site is open source, nobody is trying to stop pizzagate but if its not trending it wont show. I think your misunderstanding and/or starting drama over nothing. Insulting the site management really wont help
@ausbitbank I don't think you understand or have looked at the screen shots. Even Ned has admitted the topic is not showing any more - not even in low value topic categories! It is not normal and has never happened before. Did you read the blog post?
And others agree with what I have said ito UX.
I thought it was fine to say what we think on here. Why should I be worried about upsetting site management? They should be worried about the users losing faith in them. It's called providing a good brand experience. I am only here for pizzagate because reddit folded. I didn't come here to do anything else! And they take the topic away? They should welcome feedback before they drive off other people like me who are unhappy!

I did read and understand actually.. You think it got "censored" because the tags dont display, ned explained theres a bug that only shows the top 25 tags (ordered by pending payout afaik) and because a few posts paid out pizzagate dropped out of that list.
There are no posts tagged pizzagate within the last 24hrs with anything more then $1 earnings right now.
Like I said, the site is open source you can search the site code yourself for the magic pizzagate filter - you wont find it.
This bug isn't some conspiracy by steemit to suck up to Alefantis, I bet it reappears next time automatically the next time a pizzagate post trends. No human involvement/tweaking, its just how the site displays based on pending payouts..
The tags page is shit and doesn't show all tags, this has been complained about for months - its not a conspiracy.
Bookmark the link that ned the ceo just directly gave you that has ALL pizzagate posts in order of creation -
Please stop with the melodramatic bullshit over a simple glitch that heaps of people have already tried to explain to you
Thanks for this info. I didn't know that there have been complaints about the tags page, nor did I realize it was based on trending....or that post-payout affected this. I agree that it is shit though...there are tags I posted under I would like to show up.
Look how few posts there are now about pizzagate. the "bug" strategy is clearly working.
I see, but it seems to me that we are witnessing "the-low-tide-before-the-high-tide". There is only so much that can be dug up at one time. The lull in posts about this subject may be due to dead ends or even due to timing issues. It (pizzagate) isn't dead. It is just "cooking". I am sitting on (and researching) a thread to be exposed at the correct time. :). I understand your concern, but don't hold onto it like dogma. Hocham's Razor...
@homalinadir Occam's razor... and holding onto something till change is made is a way to get them to fix it. If I don't who will?
I am voicing my opinion and nobody will censor it.
You earn dollars off Steemit and I understand your motivation. I'm sure Steemit will continue just fine regardless of my post so you will keep earning your dollars. You go your way and I'll go mine. I'm not going to bother with your melodramatic insults.
sigh I never insulted you, you just fail at reading - believe what you want. I'm not going to feel bad that my posts are finally earning money, the point wasn't to brag, the point was the earnings are the mechanism for deciding which tags display.
No pizzagate earnings = no pizzagate tag
It's not complicated
yes well I earned very nicely off it just a few days ago remember? and you helped with that. My goal on here is to promote a post for awareness with sbd. my point is, how can it suddenly earn nothing when it was earning so well? think about it...
Replying here because of depth limit..
I remember seeing that, I was stoked to see you finally have some luck there.
Both your post and my pizzagate git repo post both paid out not far from each other. THATS when and why the tag got removed from the side - because we had the last trending pizzagate posts. Give it a few days, some more shit will turn up and it'll come back.
I'm 100% positive this is not censorship of pizzagate - you can literally see every change made to the site via the github commit log
I get notifications of all changes and new issues and actually track whats happening behind the scenes where I can and I know that the founders are passionate about free speech and value the strength of steemit as a censorship proof platform. If they went and blatantly censored an entire topic I would be livid - that's not what's happening here.
Just 4 days ago... sudden drop and switch. I'm not going to say any more. But you get my point.
@gizmosia, I just looked up Pizzagate in the Steemit search bar (magnifying glass) I guess this is powered by Google, and it came back with a lot of results, I had never even thought of looking via tags until I saw your screenshot, so I did learn something, but I do think @ausbitbank is right, if it's not trending it won't show if you look it up via tags and topics.
@gduran it always went into the low value post category in that topic search area in the past if it wasn't trending. We know it HAS been trending lately because of all the excitement over Ryan. So why should it sink out of view (and not even be in the low value topic category) exactly when it's so popular? And even the co-founder of steemit admitted to baah and I that it wasn't where it should be. So no, there is no innocent explanation.
And this so-called "bug" is a way to further suppress popularity. It's like going on a forced diet. We can't find the "chocolate bar/topic" so there's no point posting about it or reading other peoples' posts about it!
At its WORST Facebook has never done this.
Like I told you I had never even thought of looking for something in the tags/topics, so I don't even know how that works. I do know what they say is once posted on the blockchain it stays there and can be found.
Maybe you are right, who knows, perhaps they are so powerful they can influence every type of media.
I think they are that powerful @gduran - look what they did to Reddit and Twitter. I found some interesting posts by looking at your archive. Nice blogs you follow.