[Anuncio - Announcement] Apoyando el arte #435 – Supporting art #435
Bienvenidos a nuestro reporte de curación número 435
Creemos que el mayor valor que podemos aportar a Steem y Steemit no solo radica en la curación de contenido (votar artículos) sino en la curación social, es decir, la curación que se sirve de la crítica constructiva y la educación por medio del comentario para agregar valor al aporte del autor, la unificación de éstos dos conceptos (curación de contenido + curación social) nos permitirá lograr mejores resultados a mediano y largo plazo con respecto a la calidad del contenido en Steem.
Realizamos curaduría de artículos en Español e Ingles de las siguientes categorías:
- Artes plásticas, visuales y escénicas
- Literatura
- Música
Los artículos publicados en este post no nos pertenecen, el único fin es publicitar el contenido y rendir cuentas de nuestras curaciones.
Welcome to our curation report number 435
We believe that the greatest value we can bring to Steem and Steemit is not only in the curation of content (voting articles) but in the social curatorship, the curatorship that employs constructive criticism and education through the comments to add value to the contribution of the author, the unification of these two concepts (content curation + social curation) will allow us to achieve better results in the medium and long term regarding the quality of the content on Steem.
We are currently curing content in Spanish and English from the following categories:
- Plastic, visual and performing arts
- Literature
- Music
Down below we present the articles upvoted on 15/04/2020
The articles published in this post do not belong to us, the only purpose is to publicize the content and give an account of our curations.

Casas muertas: la novela venezolana que habla de una epidemia
Returning to dead houses, like returning to The Plague, among others, is one of the favorable things that this confinement leaves us with. Its reading is very illustrative of the novels richness, and of the relationship with our situation. @josemalavem
They are two very beautiful photos; in both the capture of color and contrast stands out; in the first one the composition is very striking with the flower in the foreground with the background out of focus. @josemalavem
From Normal to Strange... to Bizarre! A Wonderful Film! [A Movie Review]
A review that brings us closer to a film that is very striking because of the strangeness and intense humour that characterises it. Independent or auteur cinema offers us the possibility of having unreleased experiences as spectators. @josemalavem
Bitácora personal 0804202: Las culturas de lo indispensable y lo superfluo
Acknowledgement and reflection on the current circumstances that present us with a relevant difference. Crises should produce changes in behaviour, but we know that human beings, unfortunately, find it very difficult to learn about substantial issues. @josemalavem
Quarantine Lessons (#07): Creating custom playlists.
A very useful proposal is presented in this post. Without a doubt, music, particularly good music, fosters the richness of the spirit and nourishes the mental and physical experience, contributions that are extremely necessary in these difficult times. @josemalavem
An excellent digital artistic work where a great creative process is appreciated with an exceptional final result. @historiasamorlez
Muchos nervios (Relato ilustrado).
An interesting story with a great message. A drawing of his own drawn up and presented by the author. @historiasamorlez
A poem full of melancholy and with a little taste of suffering. The expectations of life change, when feelings invade our being. @historiasamorlez
Aprendí a volar con la meditación.
An interesting photographic edition, which has produced an image that manages to capture a lot of attention for the impact it presents. @historiasamorlez
A reflexive poem that tries to transmit the most intimate of feelings, of what one keeps in ones desire for life and what one has lost along the way. @historiasamorlez
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Todo el contenido de @celfmagazine y @celfditorial es traído para tí gracias a nuestro equipo directivo: @joedukeg, @camiloferrua y @jeilinespinel. Staff de creación de contenido y curación: @josemalavem, @historiasamorlez, @universoperdido y @takish.
También queremos agradecer a nuestros mayores patrocinantes: @cervantes, @steempress, @roelandp, @sndbox, @steemed-proxy, @creativecrypto, @voronoi y @neoxian.Queremos informar a la comunidad que debido a nuestro periodo de inactividad durante la migración de Steem a Hive, seguimos votando artículos pero no publicamos reportes durante
esos días, es por esto que publicaremos dichos reportes de forma consecutiva hasta alcanzar los artículos que estamos votando actualmente.
All the content of @celfmagazine and @celfditorial is brought to you thanks to our directive team: @joedukeg, @camiloferrua and @jeilinespinel. General team on content creation and curation: @josemalavem, @historiasamorlez, @universoperdido and @takish.
We would also like to thank our major sponsors: @cervantes, @steempress, @roelandp, @sndbox, @steemed-proxy, @creativecrypto, @voronoi and @neoxian.