Daily Celestial Challenge (Tuesday-Animal Kingdom)


                                      Animal Symbols Of Jesus


 The Bible sometimes uses animals as symbols of Jesus. every creaturely photo of Christ has putting factors that make it memorable, once in a while as it suits so perfectly and from time to time due to the fact it's far absolutely sudden. thesenatural world pics help us apprehend critical factors of His nature and accomplishments, from  His love to His may, from His sacrifice to His victory

 Proverbs 12:10 ~ "A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal, But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel".  


                                     Does God Care For Animals?


 His communique often revolved around animals.  He said to the disciples, “i can make you fishers of fellows.” (Matthew four:18-22).  In reality, most of the disciples have been fishermen. 
 Jesus taught that it's far easier for a camel to undergo the eye of a needle than for a wealthy man to go into the dominion of God. (Matthew 19:23-24) 
 Jesus advised Peter to move all the way down to the sea and throw in his hook and the primary fish he catches could have a shekel in it.  He become told to head and pay each their taxes.  (Matthew 17:27)  Even Jesus had to pay taxes! 


                                          Jesus the Lamb of God


 Possibly the most  animal picture of Christ is a lamb. Jesus the Lamb of God, because ofthe reality Christ bore the sin of the arena at the flow simply as sacrificial lambs bore the sin of Israel under the regulation of Moses. The sacrifice of Jesus, however, took away our sins as soon as and for all, and no in addition sacrifices are needed. Imagery of Jesus as a powerful lamb who overcame death and brings salvation fills the ebook of Revelation. 

          Right here’s another instance of Jesus the use of animals in His communique – this time hens and chicks. 

 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone the ones despatched 
 to you, how regularly i have longed to collect your youngsters together, as a chook 
 gathers her chicks under her wings, however you had been now not willing. 
                                                                                   Matthew 23:37 


                                    The kingdom Of God's Lion


 Another  animal symbol of Jesus is a lion. Revelation five:five calls Jesus the Lion of Judah. Judah is the kingly tribe of the Jews, and Christ is the everlasting king of Israel further to the eternal king of all of theearth. someday anyone, willingly or no longer, will bow earlier than Him. Imagining Jesus as every a lion and lamb allows us see particular aspects of His man or woman, for he's fierce and effective as a lion, yet mild and gentle as a lamb, the punisher of the depraved and the Savior of the common-or-garden. 

         The Bible says that when Jesus returns he'll experience a white horse.  He could trip in any kind of vehicle He needed or sincerely fly down, but He has selected to trip a white horse!  Jesus ought to love animals! 

 I noticed heaven status open and there before me became a white horse, 
 whose rider is called trustworthy and true.  With justice He judges and 


                       makes struggle.
                                                  Revelation 19:1



                               Blessings of the Morning Dove


 His turned into the basis of Jesus' education through the parables. The multitudes saw the birds, the fish, the sheep, the wooden, and the figs every day. All they noticed were subjects to eat and subjects to make coins with. Jesus saw thoseidentical topics, but observed God revealing aspects approximately Himself and about our rightful location with Him - because He turned into caught up and absorbed in God. So I suppose everybody have the opportunity to find out and customize God's word to us. 


The Message
 Heaven and earth, you are the jury. pay attention to God's case:
I had youngsters and raised them properly, and that they turned on me.
three The ox is aware of who's boss, the mule is aware of the hand that feeds him,
but no longer Israel. My humans do not know up from down


                                               The Motive Symbols


 All the Bible’s animal symbols of Jesus plant bright imagery in our minds, reminding us who Christ is and what He did for us. He loves us and sacrificed Himself for us. Forevermore He can be our king, our comforter, our brother, and the Savior of our souls. whenever we see a lamb, lion, chook, computer virus, or snake, perhaps it's going to flip our mind to what the Bible says approximately Christ in reference to that creature and lead us to gratefully reward God. 


Matthew 6:26-30
"have a look at the birds of the air, that they do no longer sow, nor acquire nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you no longer worth a good deal greater than they? "And who of you with the aid of being involved can upload a unmarried hour to his existence? "And why are you involved about garb? take a look at how the lilies of the field develop; they do no longer toil nor do they spin,

 That is all for my todays entry for#celestialchallenge. So keep Loving and keep supporting  @shahrukhkhan