Daily Celestial Challenge: Sunday - Light

in #celestialchallenge7 years ago (edited)


Photos of my authorship- Camera GoPro

Happy awakening and blessed day for all my family of steemians, thanks to God and @steemchurch, for giving me the opportunity to express ourselves through the phrase # Celestial Challenge, in today's theme Sunday: Light.

Today is a day full of light, and I want to share with you this perfect trip with friends full of positive energy ...

An excellent day to celebrate life, to exercise, to meditate, to breathe fresh air, to enjoy the nature of every detail, to remember how fortunate we are to have such a kind God.

You created my entrails;
You formed me in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am an admirable creation!
Your works are wonderful,
and this I know very well!

Salmos 139:13-14

You must learn to celebrate and appreciate your life, every moment; thanks for the simple fact of being alive. Enjoy it fully, enjoy the small and simple things. Concentrate on what you have, value it, love without conditioning.

God said:

"You love your neighbor as yourself."

Marcos 12:31


and so begins our morning

Photos of my authorship- Camera GoPro


Beautiful landscapes, worthy of contemplation

Photos of my authorship- Camera GoPro


Share with your friends

Photos of my authorship- Camera GoPro


Enjoy every moment

Photos of my authorship- Camera GoPro


Photos of my authorship- Camera GoPro

"There is no reason to suffer.
The only reason you suffer is because you demand it.
If you look at life you will find many excuses to suffer.
But no valid reason.
The same is applicable to happines.
The only reason you are happy is because you decide to be happy.
Happiness is a choice, as is suffering. "

Dr. Miguel Ruiz

Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:

Tuesday - animal kingdom
