Daily Celestial Challenge : Thursday-ForcesNature
Well, continuing with the daily challenge of the community, I want to give special thanks to @sirknight and the community of @steemchurch for the beautiful creation of this #celestialchallenge.
The Centrifugal Force
He deduced that for this force it is fundamental to consider the masses and the distances that separate the objects. With the data available Newton tried to calculate the acceleration with which the bodies fell and concluded that the force of attraction decreased as the body moved away from the earth.
It is surprising what a well-founded theory can do. Newton's laws can not only explain the movement of objects but they are applied in all cases where there are movements and forces, regardless of the causes that produce it.
Newton's Laws are considered one of the contributions
most important of physics to humanity, they remain in force
making possible the scientific and technological advance.
Without a doubt Newton modified forever
the way we see the world.
most important of physics to humanity, they remain in force
making possible the scientific and technological advance.
Without a doubt Newton modified forever
the way we see the world.
"This beautiful system composed of the sun, planets and comets could not have been created by the advice and domination of a powerful and intelligent entity, the supreme god is an eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect being." Isaac Newton
If you want more information visit:
Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:
Tuesday - animal kingdom

It all about the circullar motion of the earth, isnt it?