Daily Celestial Challenge: Saturday - Agriculture

The pineapple is a plant with a short stem and pointed leaves, whose flowers merge into a dense cluster that gives rise to a multiple or compound fruit. The height of the plant depends on the quality of the soil where it grows; in poor lands it barely reaches 60 cm, but in fertile soils it reaches 1.80 meters.
Pineapple is digestive, antiflatulent, laxative and anti-inflammatory
The Pineapple is a fruit with digestive characteristics, antiflatulenta, soft laxative, anti-inflammatory and possibly can be used to burn fat (or decrease water retention). Its juice has antiseptic properties, so it is used to make gargles in case of pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis. As a laxative or to fight intestinal gas, take a cup of pineapple juice every day on an empty stomach. This same recipe is very useful to fluidify phlegm and fight cough in case of bronchitis.
Against cystitis, kidney stones and irritations of the urinary tract, it is recommended to ingest a pineapple (half pineapple in one liter of water) as drinking water. In the market there is an active ingredient: bromelain in capsules and tablets, whose ingestion is of great help when there is premenstrual tension or inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis.

Benefits of pineapple
When it is sufficiently mature, the pineapple is a delicious delicacy, whose sweetness is not loaded with excess calories.
As an enhancement to its flavor, it is a modest source of vitamin C and potassium.
It is used for diet regimens, since it is a fat burner.
Although it is a fairly safe food, you should keep in mind that it can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible people.
Related: Pineapple leaves to fight cancer
Bromelain or bromelain is a remarkable proteolytic anti-inflammatory enzyme present in pineapple, whose properties amaze physicians. Like papaya papaya, bromelain belongs to the category of proteolytic enzymes, that is, they help to digest proteins, which is why bromelain initially caught the attention of scientists.
Bromelain acts as a light anticoagulant, is an antibacterial and antiviral agent, and manifests estrogenic activity (helps overcome the typical disorders of menopause). But its most impressive activity is to be a magnificent anti-inflammatory. Bromelain alone or in combination with vitamin C and bioflavonoids, is more effective than aspirin, to combat pain, inflammation, edema, and redness characteristic of muscle injuries. And all this without the side effects that often cause the inflammatories.

First let's get to know the pineapple
Pineapples are one of the most unique fruits in the world, like exotic tropical fruit, it can also be grown in temperate zones, in very controlled conditions.
The pineapple or ananas comosus is an indoor plant that does not need too much care. In general, the most important thing is to cultivate it in areas with lots of light but warm places, since it can not stand the cold well.
The pineapple is a plant that grows in semi-tropical areas, so in winter you have to be careful with exposing it to low temperatures or it will not hold up.
Unlike other fruit plants, the pineapple can easily survive in an independent pot and it will remain without growing very large.
There are several ways to plant the pineapple in a pot, but we explain, in our opinion, the simplest.
The pot that we are going to use does not have to be very big, but high, since some roots will be quite long.
Steps to grow the potted pineapple:
The crown of the pineapple must be removed either by cutting it or rotating it. All meat must also be trimmed from its base so that it does not rot after planting. This is the part that we tend to throw away when consuming it
Once we have the crown, we submerge the part of the trunk in water until we see that it begins to take root, change the water every day, once we have the roots, we pass it to a pot.
The pot is prepared with a mixture of two parts of fertile soil with a part of white sand. Add some small stones to the mixture in order to encourage good drainage as this plant does not do well with excess water.
Then, you have to water it once and place it next to a window so that it gives you the outside light. Also, keep in mind that it does not support low temperatures well.
A small trick to solve the cold in winter: "You can make a small greenhouse to maintain a warm temperature in a simple way, placing a small plastic around."
After two or three weeks, the leaves of the center will begin to grow; sign that the plant has begun to have roots.
The temperature should never fall below 15º
The pineapple plant will grow little by little, reaching a very large mat, and then a stem from the center. From this stem, the new pineapple will appear.
From 15 or 24 months we will be able to harvest its delicious fruits, while it is a very nice and good decorative plant to purify the air of the house.
The plant will also have suckers, which sprout on the sides and can be transplanted.
The pineapple has to be harvested when it is at its point, when the color of the base of the pineapple changes from green to yellow. The plant dies after giving the fruit, leaving the children that come out successively.

Follow me: @jsabino
Amazing post, thanks for sharing it! Im following now and upvoted too!