Daily Celestial Challenge ( Saturday - Agriculture )


What was cotton first used for?

The first evidence of cotton use was found in India and Pakistan, and dates from about 6,000 B.C. Scientists believe that cotton was first cultivated in the Indus delta. The species used in ancient South Asia were Gossypium herbaceum and Gossypium arboretum which originated in India and Africa.


Who made the first cotton?

Eli Whitney in 1793 invented the modern cotton gin, enormously grew the American cotton industry, which was previously limited by the speed of manual removal of seeds from the fibre and helped cotton to surpass tobacco as the primary cash crop of the South.

Where does cotton come from?

Under natural conditions, the cotton bolls will increase the dispersal of the seeds. The plant is a shrub native to tropical and subtropical regions around the world, including the Americas, Africa, and India. The greatest diversity of wild cotton species is found in Mexico, followed by Australia and Africa.



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@sorknight started a daily celestial challenge its daily themes are

Sunday: Light

Monday: Darkness

Tuesday: Animalkingdom

Wednesday: Structures

Thursday: Forcesinnature

Friday: Lovebeautyfreedom

Saturday: Agriculture