Daily Celestial Challenge- sunday : light
Happy day brothers from @steemchurch and @communitynews Today's theme at #celestialchallenge by @sirknight is sunday The Light.
The Rainbow

The biblical connotation that receives and to which I give my vote of confidence and faith is the covenant made by God with every living being, this covenant materialized after the flood that the earth received, because once the storm passed and the earth did not land with its crew a bad weather began and everyone was filled with fear, because light gradually appeared in the form of rainbows. And God said to Noah: This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth. That is why where there is a rainbow there is hope, there is positivism, because it comes from the creation of the almighty like everything on earth. So, when you see a rainbow, what should you remember? Yes, God's promise that he will never again destroy the world through a great flood.

photo of my author
A rainbow is synonymous with light that goes out for everyone, you can see in the postcard that was manifested in a popular area of Caracas Venezuela. Let us know firmly that where a rainbow manifests itself, there is hope, there is light, there is greatness, and peace. In particular, I identify myself a lot when I start my day and I see a rainbow. I add the Lord generating in me an extra confidence, here what I manifest in this photograph at the beginning of my day.
I have placed my rainbow in the clouds, which will serve as a sign of my covenant with the earth.
Genesis 9:13
For more information, check his blog:
Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:
Tuesday - animal kingdom
The Rainbow is a natural and symbolic phenomenon for believers, the important thing is that we understand that God is good and will not destroy us, he left us the free will of how man should care for or destroy the earth